Covid Deer

  • gim
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18816

    IMO unless you’re giving a deer you just shot first aid and CPR, I think you’ll be just fine.


    I would think CWD would be a much bigger issue than covid.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Back to the original topic. Just how is one susceptible to getting Covid from a dead deer? It’s not breathing anymore, or at least that is the idea. Is Covid transmissible through blood now? Are they saying if I gut out a deer the virus will soak through my skin and I’ll get it? IMO unless you’re giving a deer you just shot first aid and CPR, I think you’ll be just fine.

    There is no evidence you can get covid from a deer not to mention the fact that you are correct, it is an airborne virus.

    The recommendation for wearing a mask when gutting a deer isn’t based on science whatsoever.

    However, the concern is that whitetail will most certainly become a reservoir for new variants if it does become transmissible back to humans. It would need to take the same leap it took to get to humans in the first place. We’ve basically become the next possible Wuhan in regards to coronaviruses.

    Rick Janssen
    Posts: 342

    Are whitetail deer walking into testing sites now? I have to see that

    I know there was something about a bunch of deer in Iowa being found positive for the virus but to say they have covid would require symptoms of a disease and not just a positive test. Last year they tested the water in one of the great lakes and the sample was positive for the virus.

    I would guess the first deer to get it was in a petting zoo or deer farm that needed medical attention and from there it spread like CWD did in WI

    I live in Iowa and we are hearing a lot about this lately. When I get my deer I don’t know that I will be doing a whole lot different. For the last 5 years or so I have worn rubber gloves to clean the deer with anyway. I change out if/when I get too messy. I do the same with cleaning any game or fish I get, just makes it easy. I have been vacinated so I am not too worried.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18816

    I always enjoy reading the Cuffs & Collars section of the Outdoor News right after the firearms deer season. Here is a good one.

    CO Alexander Birdsall (Waconia) reports that on opening night of the firearms deer season, a hunter called to report that the deer he had shot had been stolen. The hunter had shot the deer, tracked it, shot it a second time, and then, feeling confident it was dead, he left to get his ATV to recover the buck. Upon returning to the kill site, he found that the buck had vanished. Birdsall located the buck the following day. It had managed to stand up and run off. The hunter was informed that his deer was not stolen. Rather, it was incredibly resilient.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    I read one recently about someone who had called concerned about a wounded deer in a field. After a CO arrived it was determined that what the person saw was, in fact, a wet cardboard box with some of the flaps blowing in the wind.

    Posts: 6631

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Blackbay wrote:</div>
    Back to the original topic. Just how is one susceptible to getting Covid from a dead deer? It’s not breathing anymore, or at least that is the idea. Is Covid transmissible through blood now? Are they saying if I gut out a deer the virus will soak through my skin and I’ll get it? IMO unless you’re giving a deer you just shot first aid and CPR, I think you’ll be just fine.

    There is no evidence you can get covid from a deer not to mention the fact that you are correct, it is an airborne virus.

    The recommendation for wearing a mask when gutting a deer isn’t based on science whatsoever.

    However, the concern is that whitetail will most certainly become a reservoir for new variants of it does become transmissible back to humans. It would need to take the same leap it took to get to humans in the first place. We’ve basically become the next possible Wuhan in regards to coronaviruses.

    There is some awfully convincing evidence that Covid-19 made a “leap” from a “lab” to humans…..

    It’s also awfully convenient that a novel coronavirus originated in the city that has the largest coronavirus research center in the world.

    Fauci happens to have spent some money there as well….so strange.

    In the field of science, it is said that there is no such thing as a coincidence.

    What really happened in Wuhan?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18816

    What really happened in Wuhan?

    I posted about this a while back. We won’t know how or exactly when it originated unless the Chinese Government is open and transparent about it, something they have not done to this point and probably never will.

    They permitted a team of scientists to come into Wuhan from the World Health Organization last spring, but it was only individuals they selected. Additionally, they dictated what data was available and required that they review it before it was published.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    The evidence is purely circumstantial and the lack of evidence for a natural leap from animals doesn’t automatically make it more likely it was a lab leak. At this point, it no more accurate to assume it was a lab leak as it is to assume it jumped from animals.

    That is not the point here. The point is they it can jump from animals to humans at any point and the reason for the concern and tracking of COVID in whitetail. This is the same concern with CWD.

    Angler II
    Posts: 538

    The evidence is purely circumstantial and the lack of evidence for a natural leap from animals doesn’t automatically make it more likely it was a lab leak. At this point, it no more accurate to assume it was a lab leak as it is to assume it jumped from animals.

    That is not the point here. The point is they it can jump from animals to humans at any point and the reason for the concern and tracking of COVID in whitetail. This is the same concern with CWD.

    Except for all of the evidence that B-Man just posted.

    Do you work for the Chinese government?

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Matt Wodziak wrote:</div>
    The evidence is purely circumstantial and the lack of evidence for a natural leap from animals doesn’t automatically make it more likely it was a lab leak. At this point, it no more accurate to assume it was a lab leak as it is to assume it jumped from animals.

    That is not the point here. The point is they it can jump from animals to humans at any point and the reason for the concern and tracking of COVID in whitetail. This is the same concern with CWD.

    Except for all of the evidence that B-Man just posted.

    Do you work for the Chinese government?

    Where did B-Man post evidence? I read some statements, one of which is irrefutable but the relevance to the matter is questionable. the other statement about Fauci may or may not be true i dont know. The reason is because for something to be evidence it requires more than just a few words on an internet forum.

    The question of what constitutes evidence is really at the heart of the matter of covid isnt it….

    its a good thing some of you arent judges

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12474

    Except for all of the evidence that B-Man just posted.

    That is circumstantial evidence, which I agree that it probably started in the lab, but Matt is right there isn’t any evidence beyond that. Similarly there have only been 4636 Covid Deaths in China….a country of 1.5 Billion….where the virus started….

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 711

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Angler II wrote:</div>
    Except for all of the evidence that B-Man just posted.

    That is circumstantial evidence, which I agree that it probably started in the lab, but Matt is right there isn’t any evidence beyond that. Similarly there have only been 4636 Covid Deaths in China….a country of 1.5 Billion….where the virus started….

    I don’t believe those numbers either but they did go all out to stop it, quarantining entire city blocks and testing anyone near a positive test

    Bigwerm is correct about the masks. I saw a video from a TV station in Texas that showed a surgical mask was highly efficient, yes the fabric they are made of is solid stuff but it needs to be tightly sealed to the face in order to be that efficient in real world conditions. When I wear a garbage mask it is usually over a KF94 or N9502+

    I am not going deer hunting again this year as I haven’t seen enough on the way to work in the morning or on the trail cameras to even bother with buying a license

    Posts: 112

    Where did B-Man post evidence? I read some statements, one of which is irrefutable but the relevance to the matter is questionable. the other statement about Fauci may or may not be true i dont know. The reason is because for something to be evidence it requires more than just a few words on an internet forum.

    The question of what constitutes evidence is really at the heart of the matter of covid isnt it….

    its a good thing some of you arent judges

    All the evidence they need comes in meme form on facebook mrgreen

    Posts: 6631

    Good info on masks.

    Good info showing cloth and surgical masks don’t work well, they simply buy you MINUTES of exposure.

    Those minutes are worthless when a person is spending 8+ hours a day with coworkers, all the while being miserable in a nearly worthless muzzle.

    Let’s all wear fit tested N95 respirators to significantly reduce our chances…..(not eliminate though)…but nobody could have stubble let alone a beard or mustache.

    I would look awfully funny gutting a deer out in my fit tested full face mrgreen

    Posts: 6631

    Mike, if your reading skills and comprehension will allow you to get past the first paragraph, this will be worth your time. There’s some tricky wording in there worth paying attention to.

    Sorry it’s not a meme, but I can make one for you….or draw something up with a crayon if you prefer.

    All hail Fauci and the changes of definitions recently.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Let’s all wear fit tested N95 respirators to significantly reduce our chances…..(not eliminate though)…but nobody could have stubble let alone a beard or mustache.

    I would look awfully funny gutting a deer out in my fit tested full face mrgreen

    I don’t think the non-fit-tested info above considers those of us that attempt to grow facial hair. I think the efficacy is much lower with those with whiskers.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, a lot of the mask studies are very poor at best. Especially the most recent ones about cloth masks designed to simply grab headlines.

    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 477

    We’ve basically become the next possible Wuhan in regards to coronaviruses.

    Yah……. OK.

    Posts: 4370

    Is there a reason why this cant be its own topic so the covid deer topic can be what it was meant for.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    Almost everything turns into COVID or politics on this site nowadays.

    Posts: 112

    Mike, if your reading skills and comprehension will allow you to get past the first paragraph, this will be worth your time. There’s some tricky wording in there worth paying attention to.

    Sorry it’s not a meme, but I can make one for you….or draw something up with a crayon if you prefer.

    All hail Fauci and the changes of definitions recently.

    I have no doubt you have crayons within easy reach of you.

    Here’s something you may want to read through:

    Posts: 24674

    I read something the other day that early on in the Pandemic a scientist from India determined the genetic sequence shared 4 “insertions” with HIV. YES, HIV. The scientist was silenced, but people recently happened upon his work.
    Others with experience in this field stated that its fairly common to have 1 shared insertion, much less common to have 2 and extremely rare to have 3. 4 is absolutely unheard of they said. This leads them to believe with VERY high certainty that it originated in a lab setting. India has been treating patients with a variety of drugs previously used for Malaria, HIV and Swine Flu with great results.

    Posts: 6631

    Mike, your article reiterates what I was passing along.

    Fauci (NIH) spent a lot of money at the coronavirus research center in Wuhan prior to the outbreak. It’s a FACT.

    It was even deemed gain of function by the majority of scientists that reviewed the work, but the NIH wouldn’t admit it. That’s what the article was mostly about, a false claim that they did admit it. I’m not an expert in the process and definitions of gain of function, nor was I in the lab, so I cannot tell you what really happened there.

    But thank you for confirming what I was trying to get across. FAUCI spent a lot of OUR MONEY in WUHAN, CHINA (where the virus originated from) at a CORONAVIRUS RESEARCH CENTER.

    Strange but true. Some may even call it coincidental.

    I will now take one of my crayons (which are handy, being a father of first graders and all) and draw you a donkey named Mike.

    I’m far from a conspiracy theorist or total Trumper humper, but if a person can look at the data available to the public without raising an eyebrow, I don’t know what to tell you. Even if you omit the US money and research there, it should make a person THINK FOR THEMSELVES just a tad.

    Back to the original topic, I heard a deer cough like a person last weekend. I’ve spent thousands of hours of my life deer hunting and can never remember hearing that before.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    I heard a deer cough like a person last weekend. I’ve spent thousands of hours of my life deer hunting and can never remember hearing that before.

    if you have a minute, read about this guy that almost got a trophy buck opportunity ruined by a dear farting, it’s hilarious jester

    (507) MN
    Posts: 142

    covid is never going away, its like the flu it will never be eradicated how long will we live in fear? shots are a personal choice mask is a personal choice.. this is America make your own choice but choose wisely.. or don’t

    Delta, WI
    Posts: 416

    Thank you Flanders 51. You are someone who understands what is taking place with this Pandemic. I am also in the Medical field and though we have little or no choice to read and understand rules/regulations/mandates/vaccination information/sickness and deaths due to Covid-19 because we are responsible for treating and prevention of this disease……..The FACTS are out there if you want to learn and understand why you should take this seriously. The FACTS are out there if you want to go to an indoor stadium with 40,000 others….but this is not only about the individual….It is about others around us. I hope everyone stays well….With compliance, We will get through this Pandemic. Without, it will continue to stay with us. Unfortunately, or however you see it…this is still a global problem and isn’t going away anytime soon. We can sure make it easier on ourselves and others if we chose to.

    Posts: 24674

    Thank you Flanders 51. You are someone who understands what is taking place with this Pandemic. I am also in the Medical field and though we have little or no choice to read and understand rules/regulations/mandates/vaccination information/sickness and deaths due to Covid-19 because we are responsible for treating and prevention of this disease……..The FACTS are out there if you want to learn and understand why you should take this seriously. The FACTS are out there if you want to go to an indoor stadium with 40,000 others….but this is not only about the individual….It is about others around us. I hope everyone stays well….With compliance, We will get through this Pandemic. Without, it will continue to stay with us. Unfortunately, or however you see it…this is still a global problem and isn’t going away anytime soon. We can sure make it easier on ourselves and others if we chose to.

    What do you mean by compliance? If you are in the medical field and think that mask mandates, vaccine passports or anything of the like make any difference after seeing what’s transpired the last 18 months you are not paying attention to any of the data. Gibraltar has 100% population vaccinated and their cases are skyrocketing. UK has very high (over 80%) vaccinated and the majority of hospitalizations/death are fully vaxxed. Same with Israel. New Zealand who was lauded for all their lockdowns and virtually no cases last year has exploding cases right now and they are still locked down.
    Facts? Facts are masks dont work, the vaccine doesnt prevent spread but may limit or lesson severity. There are adjacent school districts with similar enrollment, one with mask mandate the other without and the mask mandate school has worse case numbers. This is in Fargo, ND in case you were wondering.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Some info fresh off the press eliminating one of the bits of circumstantial evidence for a lab leak while strongly linking the start of the pandemic more closely to the wet market.

    Crucially, however, the now famous “earliest” COVID-19 case (1), a 41-year-old male accountant, who lived 30 km south of Huanan Market and had no connection to it—illness onset reported as 8 December—appears to have become ill with COVID-19 considerably later (12). When interviewed, he reported that his COVID-19 symptoms started with a fever on 16 December; the 8 December illness was a dental problem related to baby teeth retained into adulthood (12). This is corroborated by hospital records and a scientific paper that reports his COVID-19 onset date as 16 December and date of hospitalization as 22 December (13). This indicates that he was infected through community transmission after the virus had begun spreading from Huanan Market. He believed that he may have been infected in a hospital (presumably during his dental emergency) or on the subway during his commute; he had also traveled north of Huanan Market shortly before his symptoms began (12). His symptom onset came after multiple cases in workers at Huanan Market, making a female seafood vendor there the earliest known case, with illness onset 11 December (12). Notably, she reported knowledge of several possible COVID-19 cases in clinics and hospitals that were near Huanan Market from 11 December, and Huanan Market patients were hospitalized at Union Hospital as early as 10 December (see fig. S1).

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