Covid Booster Vaccination – Any post shot effects?

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    Just curious from those here who have received their Covid vaccination booster if they had any after effects from the vaccination. The reason why I’m asking is because my wife got hers yesterday and is feeling really rough today. She has a Fever, is Fatigued, and has a bad headache today. This is in addition to extreme pain in the arm she got the shot in. Both her and I had little to any side effects from either of the 1st two vaccinations. Just wanted to see what others experience with it were. Hopefully for her it is just a short term effect.

    Posts: 169

    Just curious from those here who have received their Covid vaccination booster if they had any after effects from the vaccination. The reason why I’m asking is because my wife got hers yesterday and is feeling really rough today. She has a Fever, is Fatigued, and has a bad headache today. This is in addition to extreme pain in the arm she got the shot in. Both her and I had little to any side effects from either of the 1st two vaccinations. Just wanted to see what others experience with it were. Hopefully for her it is just a short term effect.

    Did not feel as bad as your wife, but felt worse than the first 2 doses, lasted a day, in talking with others seems fairly common to feel it a little more on the booster

    Posts: 756

    In the last year I have had reactions to the second shingles shot. Both doses of covid. The worst was the flu and pneumonia vaccine. I got both at the same time and in the same arm. They said I should just have a sore arm. I was out for 2 days with a 100+ fever and couldn’t lift my arm. I was very leery of getting the booster. I was tired of getting reactions. I just got the booster on Monday. I expected to get a reaction. I did not. There is a bump and a little sore at the injection site but no fever this time. Everybody I know that got the booster had a reaction. Usually feeling bad and a 99 degree fever for 1 day.

    Posts: 466

    It didn’t bother me at all not even a sore arm. But the wife got a headache and slept about 12 hours.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1592

    I got the COVID booster and flu vaccine at the same time. Minor soreness in the arm, tired for a day. Slept an extra two hours that night, then was over it.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I got the COVID booster and flu vaccine at the same time. Minor soreness in the arm, tired for a day. Slept and extra two hours that night, then was over it.

    My experience to a T. I had Moderna for all 3. My wife had a similar experience to me with her Pfizer shots.

    My wife’s aunt had progressively worse reactions to each Pfizer shot. Said she might not even consider a 4th.

    My mother had nothing but a sore arm from each of the 3 Moderna shots.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I have a friend in the St. Cloud hospital right now that recently got her booster. Could be related or not, they don’t really know what’s wrong with her yet, thought it was Guillian Barre Syndrom but that came back negative. Woke up and could barely move with numbness in her extremities and her skin hurts like she got extremely sunburned everywhere. Running her thru a gamut of tests and MRI’s from head to toe, but no diagnosis yet.

    Ahren Wagner
    Northern ND-MN
    Posts: 410

    Both of my parents had very mild symptoms

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    Wife felt tired – I noticed absolutely nothing.

    Doug M
    SE SD
    Posts: 279

    Nothing but a sore arm for me for any of the Covid shots. Got booster and flu shot at same time. Shingles shots, on the other hand, first knocked me out for 2 days, 2nd one for a day. Can deal with that, having shingles twice within 3 months was not fun at all!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    I just looked up all what Vaccinations are recommended for those over 55 years of age or so. here was what all came up:

    Covid- initial and Booster
    Flu – Yearly
    Pneumococcal – Up to three Vaccinations needed
    Shingles – 2 doses 6 months apart – Follow up doses or boosters – Unknown at this time

    That is far different than what all was recommended only 3-5 years ago. Who knows all what else will be added in the next few years

    Posts: 5307

    With a beer virus and shots being talked about in the same sentence over the course of this past year as a very immature adult I’m very disappointed in the amount of puns being used. As one to not just biatch….

    *Slams Corona bottle throws in air behind

    “I tell you what boy the only god dam booster shot I’m taking is a Ceurvo floater on my top shelf margarita!!!”

    *Drops a triple h suck it, rips off a $750 pulltab and walks out of bar

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    Nothing but a sore arm for me for any of the Covid shots. Got booster and flu shot at same time. Shingles shots, on the other hand, first knocked me out for 2 days, 2nd one for a day. Can deal with that, having shingles twice within 3 months was not fun at all!

    Funny you bring up the Shingles Shot. I have a friend that got shingles after getting the shingles vaccination ( About 6 months after the vaccination ) Never had the shingles prior to the vaccination. like all the other vaccinations – No guarantee they will totally prevent you from getting what they are intended to prevent.

    Jake D
    Watertown, SD
    Posts: 607

    I had covid. After my 2nd dose of the vax I would rather deal with covid again than put myself threw another round of the vax side effects

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    Funny on the shingles.. I got shingles at 33 and just had it again (41 now). I asked the doctor about the vaccine but they do not give it to a guy my age. He said check back at 50 years of age.

    Both times it has broke out right in the center of my forehead. Rare but guess it fits the bill. I am an odd duck.

    I mentioned this in another post today. My wifes uncle passed away two weeks ago. He received the booster shot 3 days prior to his passing with no health concerns. My mother and father in law will not be getting a booster at this time. I guess I dont blame them either way.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    My wife went home early from work. She says this is the worst she has felt in a few years. Hopefully its just a short term side effect. told her if not feeling better by tomorrow that she better go into the Dr. Its possible it is not related to the vaccine at all. I’ve been not feeling well for a few weeks and just got on Med’s on Monday. Possible she may have just got what I have or possibly caught the flu. Hard to tell these days !!!

    Posts: 2918

    No effects from my first two. Just some minor aches, chills and fatigue after the booster. Took a while for them to show up. Got my booster the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, felt fine most of Wed and then it all kind of set in Wed evening. Hit the sack early and woke up feeling fine to host Thanksgiving.

    I’ve heard, in general, that more people felt side effects from the second shot and boosters more than shot #1.

    Posts: 1805

    immune systems are different for everyone, but in general you can expect a similar reaction to the first 2 shots. If you had no reaction to those, you can expect the same, etc.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    I had the flu & covid booster at the same time. I’d say the side effects were more mild than the 2nd covid shot. A slight sore shoulder and lower energy the next day but nothing that impacted the daily routine.

    Posts: 3319

    I had Moderna. A little achy and tired for a day. Nothing else.
    Wife had Pfizer. A little sore arm but no other side effects.

    Doug M
    SE SD
    Posts: 279

    Funny on the shingles.. I got shingles at 33 and just had it again (41 now). I asked the doctor about the vaccine but they do not give it to a guy my age. He said check back at 50 years of age.

    Both times it has broke out right in the center of my forehead. Rare but guess it fits the bill. I am an odd duck.

    I was months shy of 48th birthday when I got shingles the first time. It was around my eye and face. 2nd time 3 months later got it on my side and yep, I couldn’t get the vaccine because I wasn’t 50.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I havent gotten a booster but my wife did. She didnt have any affects from her first shot but she got the booster and the flu shot on the same day and got her a** kicked. fever, pain, headaches. lasted about 24 hours and now shes fine.

    Paul D
    Posts: 179

    Wife & I had very sore arms, but nothing else. Co-worker said he felt like a truck hit him.

    Posts: 19572

    Zero side effects on all of my shots other than mild tenderness at the injection spot…

    Posts: 12780

    I have a friend in the St. Cloud hospital right now that recently got her booster. Could be related or not, they don’t really know what’s wrong with her yet, thought it was Guillian Barre Syndrom but that came back negative. Woke up and could barely move with numbness in her extremities and her skin hurts like she got extremely sunburned everywhere. Running her thru a gamut of tests and MRI’s from head to toe, but no diagnosis yet.

    Yikes Big Werm. As a person that has recovered from GBS about 3 years ago I can tell you there is no “test” to check if you have GBS except for a spinal tap. Which is typically the last resort as they try to rule everything else out first. Let’s hope it is something else besides GBS because it is no joke.
    Your post just flooded my head with memories. Scary stuff when they don’t know what is wrong.

    Hope they figure it out and she pulls through.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2224

    Had my Pfizer booster chip implanted yesterday afternoon. No side effects other than a slightly sore muscle at injection point. Hopefully that is it.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Had my Pfizer booster chip implanted yesterday afternoon. No side effects other than a slightly sore muscle at injection point. Hopefully that is it.

    I forgot to mention that after my booster I no longer need to type out what I want to search on google. It already knows.

    Thanks to Moderna iOS v3.0.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12254

    Side effects are all over the map. A friend of mine who is a doctor mentioned that the only trend he noticed was that side effects were all over the map and there seems to be no correlation with side effects experienced after the initial doses.

    I had my Phizer booster 2 weeks ago exactly, got a flu shot at the same time.

    Felt very fatigued, even more tired than I’d felt with initial doses. Had chills on the 3rd night after the booster, but then felt fine the next day and that was it.

    Mrs Grouse had hers last week and was tired on the first night after getting the booster, then no further side effects at all. Her side effects were much milder than doses 1 and 2.

    You guys that are experiencing arm pain, are you taking Advil right after the shot and then at 4-5 hour intervals for the next 48 hours? Makes a huge difference if you keep the inflammation down right away.

    Anyway, the important thing is to get the vaccine and get the booster. I hadn’t heard from my neighbor (age 55) up where I own hunting property since early November so I texted him and got no reply for over a week. Finally called his wife. Well, guess who got the cove and really bad? He thought maybe he had had the virus early on and he’d heard stories about the vaccine containing a tracking chip (he told me this while he was on his cell phone, ironically) so he decided to skip the vaccine. Now that he spent 12 days laying in a hospital with a ventilator rammed down his throat, he admits that it was a poor decision. He was so bad his two boys flew in from out of state because his wife was worried he wasn’t going to pull through. She got vaccinated the day they put him on the ventilator. It just should not take these situations, I just don’t want to see any more people die.

    Up Nort’
    Posts: 303

    Had the rona in Feb, before Vaxes were available. I fortunately got a case of Corona Light, and outside of a day of fatigue and loss of smell for a month, I never felt anything else. I hesitantly got the Pfizer jabs last May. Jab 1 gave me a headache and it felt like I got shot with a gun in the arm. Jab 2 was forgotten within the first couple of hours, felt nothing.

    This fall, I have lost count how many potential exposures I have had and never came down with a symptom. I did catch the common cold twice in a matter of a month, but never caught the rona. Same with my 3 kids and wife (also jabbed twice).

    Considering all of that, and that I’ve had it and it wasn’t a big deal for me, and I have 2 jabs in me, as well as hearing how this latest variant is likely resistant to the jabs(and is also less damaging) I’m very hesitant to get #3, or 4 or 5 or 6 or however many more we will have to take. I’m not a hard no, but think I’m going to wait it out for a bit.

    I’m not a conspiracy guy, but this endless vax push does seem a bit sketchy.

    critter 1
    Posts: 127

    I am 64 and had the Phizer shots and booster. No reactions at all. Wife had a sore arm that was it.

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