Cougar shot in western Wi.

  • CaptainMusky
    Posts: 24606

    Cougars are a different animal for sure. They will stalk you down unlike most other predators. A kid I graduated with was attacked by a cougar in Colorado I believe out of HS and he fought it off with a rock. He was able to get to safety and survived. He was a complete dick in HS and now is a total Holy Roller. Amazing how a near death experience changes a person.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    A total of 126 attacks, 27 of which were fatal, have been documented in North America in the past 100 years. How many settlers were killed and just never found ?

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    If the cougar had just cooperated this would have never happened.

    Theres plenty of them in those local bars I hear

    I wrote a whole college paper on getting hunted by a cougar while out fishing. It was all true. I sacrificed my fishing buddy to make it out of there alive. They got married and divorced so she’s definitely back on the prowl.

    I just wanna circle back and make sure these gentlemen know they generated a good lol from me today applause

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    There sure seems to be a significant uptick in sightings this year.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3413

    He was a complete dick in HS and now is a total Holy Roller. Amazing how a near death experience changes a person.

    this gave me a good laugh

    Posts: 24606

    Turns out he indeed did shoot it with his bow and not a firearm. From what he reported in the article I read I would have done the same dang thing. It was hunting him for sure.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 665
    #2236479 interviews the hunter and has pictures of the 128lb. Cat.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    From what he reported in the article I read I would have done the same dang thing. It was hunting him for sure.

    Agreed, heck of a story. I don’t know a thing about him or anything else related to the story, but seems like he’s not trying to be a hero either, and doubt there was any mischief if he called the DNR right away and didn’t even track it until he was with them the next day.

    Posts: 2224

    Cougars should be considered invasive and unprotected in MN and WI.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    Cougars should be considered invasive and unprotected in MN and WI.

    They are native to both Minnesota and Wisconsin. Look it up on the DNR web site for each respective state.

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1389

    Cougars should be considered invasive and unprotected in MN and WI.

    Why? They’re a native species here before you and I.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    This entire situation was handled the correct way. Everyone from the hunter to the wardens, the DNR with their factual press release, and the local prosecutor for effectively staying out of it.

    I’m a fan of taking a pistol with me when I’m in the woods. I’ve never feared anything that made me use one in the woods, but it’s a nice peace of mind regardless of where I am or what I’m doing.

    As for the cougars that was over 100 years since one had been killed In Wisconsin. Are they around in some areas wandering through? Sure, maybe. Are the sightings of them blown way out of proportion with people who spread hysteria or couldn’t tell a bobcat from a cougar from an elephant in the woods? Yes. …and this is from someone hunting relatively close to where this cat was just killed

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I’m a fan of taking a pistol with me when I’m in the woods.

    I don’t know if it’s the same in WI, but in MN you must have a carry permit to bring a firearm into the woods while you’re archery hunting.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    I’ve got a permit to carry, hunt my own private land and our family land in both WI and MN and have never thought twice about it.

    I probably hit 56 or 57mph in a 55 zone heading over to the land too once or twice. We’re all criminals.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Saw one myself near Roberts, WI in 1989, crossing a private drive between my parents’ place and the south neighboring land. Dad wouldn’t believe me until photos were taken of a cougar wandering a parking lot in Burkhardt, WI a couple of days later.
    That same year, the Bruce Gazette published an article about a pair of mated cougars being discovered in the Blue Hills east of Rice Lake, WI, and the DNR was asking everyone to leave them alone so they could be studied.
    Funny though, in more recent years, if you talk to a CO about such a thing, it’s always met with, “Cougars? What cougars? We don’t have a resident population here.”

    I’m like BuckyBadger… I’m on my property or family owned/private property 100% of the time. If I want extra protection while archery hunting, I’m bringing it. Come get me. I also tend to open carry or sport a shotgun when roaming my property, which is only 200 yds north of where I saw the cougar all those years ago. My neighbors never give me any crap… jester

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