Looking for a little help. I’m in the market for a new pair of Costas. My last pair, Jose w/580g blue mirror lenses, are currently resting in peace at the bottom of the Mississippi near wabasha. They left me way too early, only 3 months old.
I’ve been researching a new pair now. I have decided the blue mirror wasn’t my favorite for everyday. They didn’t allow enough light when driving. Also, more importantly, if fishing in shaded area they had to be removed to see anything at all. However, when out ice fishing on bright days…they were great!
Long story short is this….I’ve made up my mind that I do not want blue mirror again. I also know I want 580g lenses. I like the green mirror but am wondering if I’ll have similar problems as the blue mirror.
I know the correct answer is to have a few pairs with different lenses but for the time being I’m looking for pair #1 to be a versatile pair for general everyday use. Again, I’m leaning toward green mirror and possible silver mirror.
Looking for recommendations from fellow Ido and Costa fans!