October 12th Outing on Coralville

  • Gianni
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Allright, here it is:

    October 12th
    6:30 AM
    Mehaffe Bridge landing

    Plan is to put together a ‘search and destroy’ crew with a handful of boats to search out some walleyes. Contact between the boats will be maintained with FRS two-ways.

    Hiawatha, Iowa
    Posts: 235

    Sounds great Gianni, count me in This has been a long time coming. I finally get to meet some of the followers of Indepth lake fishing {John}

    Cedar Rapids IA
    Posts: 82

    Give everyone a hug and a kiss from me John, I’ll be commin home from a week of fishin Pool 4 that particular Sunday. Least ways thats the plan.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 145

    Dang would like to try that one. but just getting back from Mark Twain the 11th so don’t know if I can?

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 8

    I’ve never considered myself much of a walleye fisherman but a person would think that if you put enough time in at least a little torpedo would show up? The res isn’t a favorite place of mine but recently I have hit it a couple times fishing exclusively for walleyes. I know they’re in there but so far no luck. No radios here but I like the idea and will be in touch.

    I knew Joe would see this! I’m going to talk to Steve but I’m guessing he’s game, hard to say though. Hopefully we make it and see ya down there. If not good luck at Twain. Though if you want some nice crappies you should be going up to the river buddy. Steve and I were up there last weekend and ended up mostly crappie fishing. Those were nice fish indeed, I was impressed. If I can catch big crappies it’s hard to say what someone that actually knew what they were doing could do.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    I’ve got two FRS radios. The second one can go in whoever’s boat so long as I get it back. We’ll have to plan on meeting up somewhere for a mid-morning snack or something to see if anyone’s found the fish.

    Trigger, if you get home early enough, shoot down to Mehaffe and look us up. I know you’ll be looking for an excuse to get that hog out of the garage one last time before winter sets in.

    Cedar Rapids, Ia
    Posts: 130

    As I posted earlier, count me in if I’m not working that Sunday. Would look foward to meeting some of the anglers from the CR. area. Heck who knows someone just might catch an eye and we’ll all be surprised.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 8

    It doesn’t sound like I’m going to make it now, going up to Pool 9 looking for some slabs. Make sure you guys post what happens, I’ll be looking for it and good luck!

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    After scraping my windshield all last week I was starting to think that 6:30 was a little bit sporty for a start time, but then getting swarmed by ladybugs in my tree stand all weekend convinced me we’ll be allright.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Looks like I’ll be the only one in my boat if there’s anyone who’d rather leave theirs at home, or if there’s any non-boaters out there who want to join in on this.

    Shoot me a PM.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Well, after hitting MacBride last night, I thought I’d get a little jump on tomorrow by fishing the res today. For about the last month I’ve been making fun of the editors of the Walleye In-sider for calling Coralville one of “Iowa’s Top Picks” for big ‘eyes. Leave it to me to prove myself wrong once again in less than an hour in the pouring rain.

    Two eyes, the first a dink at about 12″. Rain picked up and wind came in something fierce so I cinched down the hood and kept casting (after all, I’d just landed my first Coralville walleye, ya know)! A Smack, a zzzzzzzzip, a “Holy Crap,” and a few cranks of the reel later I landed a 28″ 8lb eye. A new personal best for me, and in all places: Coralville/Iowa river.

    Unfortunately, I doubt I repeat that sort of success tomorrow – Tonight I was just pitching jigs from shore (no net, by the way, scooped her up like a football under my arm and did the end-zone swagger away from the water) in a location where I could never get my boat (hint hint).

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I’ll bet you got it at the spillway by mcbride gianni,

    Cedar Rapids, Ia
    Posts: 130

    holly crap gianni,nice walleye,congrates!! and out of the res. sounds like there night biters. unfortunatly I can’t make sun. morn.,clients need to see some homes. good luck and let us know how you did.
    ps. got the chance to do the miss. last week and got 18 eyes/sauger all 16 to 18 inchers. did mcbride 1 afternoon also and had a nice bucket of crappies-no biggies but good eaters.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Nice fish Gianni, those commercial boys years ago told me the reserviours full of nice ones. This guy was a teacher at kirkwood so i feel he was telling the truth. Thier in there, we just gotta find them. Maybe some of the boys up in minnesota and wisc. could give us all down here a few tips on reserviour or lake walleyes.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Well, it was pretty quiet at the ramp on Saturday morning with only me and gills-n-specks showing up to fish. He made the long run up to the I380 bridge while I worked around Mehaffey.

    Surface temp was 61 in the morning, 63 by noon. Crappies are not yet on a tear, but I would think it’s right around the corner if the cold weather sticks around this time. Ended up getting into some crankbait whitebass and having a decent catfish try to steal my slop rod (fortunately, he pulled toward the back of the boat and it caught on the seatback).

    Cedar Rapids IA
    Posts: 82

    Congrat’s John. That’d be a great catch for anywhere within 100 miles of CR.You traiter. I thought we agreed that there wasn’t anything in that water but catfish and carp. Now you’ve went and ruined everything. I’m gonna have to go back down there and try somemore, only now I gotta work even harder…Damn. Don’t spose there’s a picture? I rode the hog down there Sunday just after 12’ish and didn’t see you. Or what I thought would be you. I hung around the lot till I started to feel like a “lot lizzard” and headed her on over the bridge tward Solon and points North.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Joe said he ran into you at breakfast and that you’d be out riding the hog. Gotta get things like that done while the weather is still decent – plenty of time to fish in the winter when the bike is in the garage. I was just pulling the boat out to head to the deer stand as he was putting in.

    After he told me you were out riding the Milwaukee Vibrator I figured you might think it was a nice day to head down to the res. I must’ve passed 5 bikes between North Liberty and the airport – gave them all a little extra scrutiny but don’t know to recognize a fisherman when there ain’t no rod in his hand.

    As for the fish, there are pictures, but us non-digital guys gotta wait to get them developed. You’ve got a PM.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    A Smack, a zzzzzzzzip, a “Holy Crap,” and a few cranks of the reel later I landed a 28″ 8lb eye. A new personal best for me, and in all places: Coralville/Iowa river.

    Gianni, very nice fish! Congrats man!

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Called around today to see if what a replica would cost me. $18 to $20 per inch… Ouch!!!

    Call me crazy, but I just can’t pay $600 for a plastic fish.

    Brian Lyons
    Posts: 894

    No doubt about it John, your crazy

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Should’ve worded that better. You guys getting out at all?

    Brian Lyons
    Posts: 894

    Nope not getting out.
    BFD went back into the witness protection program. I haven’t seen him and his handler won’t give him up
    I forgot to congratulate you on your big walleye!! That is a nice fish,Glad you released her and hope ya get to catch her again…Later….B

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 145

    I have been on the res four times since the 12th. Looking for crappies? One or two each time and no more. The water temperature Thursday afternoon was 53.7 down to 51.2 in another area. All I know is everyone I talk to says where are they, should be in close by now? If we keep having a nice day once in a while I will still be looking.
    Oh ya John, there was even 6 catchable white bass still in that little backwater. We catch a few of those each time too. They are all still swimming.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    I haven’t heard squat on the crappies this fall. Last year people were bringing them in hand-over-fist, but this year they’re all gone. I’m starting to think the low water this summer is having a lasting effect on the fishing.

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