I’m not negative today

    Cedar Rapids IA
    Posts: 82

    Guess what, there are fish in them there waters. Went to Iowas “walleye capital” today again. Figured beins how its sposed to get HOT again today, I’d give it a shot before it got hot this morning. Put in below Mcbride dam, went down stream to first cut. Droped a minner under a bobber and got a nice Crappie. Whipped out a couple minners under bobbers and got nuther nice crappie. Grand total for this morning was 2 really nice crappies, 1 nice channel cat, (1 lb’r) and 1 small stripper. I feel so much better bein Positive. I gotta quit while I’m ahead.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063


    …and 1 small stripper.

    What was her name? I’d be positive too!

    I can’t believe you didn’t go to MacBride! The motor reg ended yesterday!

    Cedar Rapids IA
    Posts: 82

    Well now, Ifn I’d a knowed they had strippers over in Mcbride I’d a probably gib em a try…Maybe tomorrow. I’ll ask the wife if she’ll let me bring home a mess of strippers tomorrow.

    Hiawatha, Iowa
    Posts: 235

    Ya know; Strippers don’t taste as good as one of them younger snappers. Any one know what the water temp is down at Mc bride? I’d like to catch it before the turnover, John

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Any chance of a fat strippers in there?

    Looking for a reason to go to coralville.

    Cedar Rapids IA
    Posts: 82

    Less things have changed in the last 30 some years up there in Minneapolis, It’d be quicker and easier to try trollin Hennepin Ave…I recon them strippers are thick as fleas yet

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