Fishing the Rez?

  • david
    Posts: 3

    I am really curious to know if anyone has been fishing the rez under the current high water conditions? I have been tempted to go try it, but figure it is probably the color of chocolate milk with very swift water and tree trunks bobbing around in it. Then again, maybe it’s a good time to get back up into the deep coves for the crappies? Anybody doing it?

    eldora, iowa
    Posts: 426

    I did “it” last night

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    I fished it a couple of times when the water was high. Visibility was actually 2-3 ft, which is pretty clear for that lake, even at normal summer level.

    Crappies were a bust for me, so i was mostly throwing a spinnerbait, picking up an odd bass here and there. That said, i was north of macbride spillway amd hadn’t gassed up the boat, so i didn’t run much.

    With the high water everywhere, i have mostly been fishing macbride and kent park, both of which have been giving up some decent bass. Clouds and wind are your friends, otherwise the fish go deep and slow down. A lizard on a carolina rig will still pull some out if that’s the case.

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