PLEASE REPORT the capture of any invasive carp specimen. The DNR will collect the specimen’s head and reproductive organs for testing. Cooperation from anglers is needed to enable DNR authorities to properly assess the number of invasive carp present as well as their potential to reproduce within the ecosystem. The Minnesota DNR has intensified its AIS monitoring efforts since bighead carp were found in the St. Croix River. DNR survey crews captured a single bighead carp on May 28. Sampling continues using a variety of methods including electro fishing, gill nets, trammel nets, and hoop nets. The DNR has completed one round of larval sampling for 2015 to determine if there is evidence of reproduction. They have been testing monthly for the last 3 years. It is likely the DNR will maintain a presence throughout the summer near the water discharge for the Allen S. King Power Plant.
More on Asian Carp on the St. Croix
Call 888-646-6367 or email [email protected]
Please take a photo and transport the carp to the nearest fisheries office or make arrangements for it to be picked up by a DNR official.