Converting 24v system to 36v

  • flatlandfowler
    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    I could spend a ton of time looking into how to complete this project; however, there is so much experience here that I feel my questions will be answered much quicker and straight forward than doing my own research. And thank you much in advance!

    Here is the situation – I have a 2003 Tuffy 1990 Deep V Tiller currently rigged with a 24v Maxxum. The Maxxum is currently plugged into my front control panel and thus the onboard charger and batteries. I recently bought a new Terrova 112, Minn Kota 3-bank charger, and three new batteries. I would like to change out the plug and wiring in my front control panel to accommodate a 36v system. What do I need to buy for a plug system and what size wiring do I need to rewire to in order to accommodate the larger system? I am not opposed to cutting a new hole and installing a plug beside my front control panel. Also, if any one has a clear explanation or diagram to connecting my batteries together and then to my charger; it would be greatly appreciated. I am about a 2 hour drive from a dealer that I feel confident in bringing fishing orientated boat service to and I would rather know the inter workings of the system my self for future trouble shooting. Any help is appreciated!

    Posts: 3399

    You should be able to use the existing plug. You will just need one more jumper wire for the extra battery. The negative wire for the trolling motor goes to the end battery then a jumper wire goes from the positive from that battery to the negative post of the middle battery. A jumper wire will go from the positive post from the middle battery to the negative post of the last battery, and the positive cable of the trolling motor goes to the positive post of the that last battery.

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