Connect the Vikings, the worst trade in NFL history and AP

  • gary d
    Posts: 1125

    I for one say they should let him go. It would be a ugly arrangement if he stays there. There is always someone that can come down the pike and carry on!!

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    Herschel Walker….. who is he! LOL I don’t put much stock in what he says. Do what is best for the team. Keep him, get rid of him …… does it really matter?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    It seems to me that the “team” had a no contact order during AP’s little fling with the law. The team had games to play while A was on sabbatical. The team was doing what the league said they could. They’ve also said that they’d welcome the A back. He is under contract so if he’s chewing on bitter apples now maybe isn’t the best time to be doing so. Its was Peterson’s bs that took him off the field, not the team. They should hold him to his contract and if he doesn’t want to play, the team can arrange for bench space….maybe he could use the time to come up with a play that isn’t always up the middle where everyone that weighs 300 pounds is looking for him.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17355

    Fun AP facts……….

    1) he is the most exciting back the Vikings have had since Chuck Foreman.
    2) he is one of the top 3 backs in all of football, maybe the best.
    3) he has not led the Vikings to the Super Bowl, nor will he.
    4) he beat a 4 year old kid with a stick.

    wave and don’t come back.

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