Congratulations Steve DeMars

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Just saw this article today. Very nice!

    ST. PAUL, Minn. – Two Minnesota anglers have a new fish tale to tell as they are now recognized as the first record-setters in a new category established by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

    Cindy Pawlowski of Frazee now holds the mark for ‘catch-and-release’ lake sturgeon in the state after reeling in a nearly 63-inch fish May 8 on the Rainy River in Koochiching County. The sturgeon also had a 29-inch girth, and was caught on a gob of night crawlers.

    On the same day, Steven DeMars of Stillwater caught and released the new “catch-and-release” record flathead catfish, in the St. Croix River in Washington County. The flathead catfish was 47 inches long with a 30-inch girth, and took the bullhead bait at about 7:30 p.m.

    Steven DeMars of Stillwater hooked the new “catch-and-release” record flathead catfish in the St. Croix River in Washington County. The flathead catfish was 47 inches long with a 30-inch girth, and took the bullhead bait at about 7:30 p.m. (Photo: KARE)

    The new catch-and-release length records are for muskellunge, lake sturgeon or flathead catfish and require anglers to measure and take a photograph of the fish before releasing it.

    An application has yet to be presented for a caught and released muskie.

    “Congratulations to our first two record holders in the record program we expanded this year,” said Mike Kurre, who manages the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ record fish program. “It’s great to see these photos and applications and know there are still chances for other anglers to catch these enormous fish.”

    Anglers can continue to set records based on certified weight, which require the fish to be harvested (not released). Guidelines and application forms for each type of record are available on the MN DNR website.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Congrats Col! waytogo

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 172

    You the man Steve…congrats.


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