Confused, mad, embarrassed, intrigued

  • munchy
    Posts: 5139

    All the Police taser Guns that I’ve seen look nothing like a real handgun. Most are even a bright color to prevent accidents like this from happening.

    They may look different, but do they feel different enough for you to notice while in a struggle? I’ve never held a tazer so I have no clue.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>fishthumper wrote:</div>
    All the Police taser Guns that I’ve seen look nothing like a real handgun. Most are even a bright color to prevent accidents like this from happening.

    They may look different, but do they feel different enough for you to notice while in a struggle? I’ve never held a tazer so I have no clue.

    Munchy – To be honest I’m not real sure. I have never handled a Police Taser. It doesn’t seem like something that happens often ( Thankfully ) so I guess I just thought they were different enough looking or feeling to prevent this from happening. Its sad because police have a hard enough job to do and with all the additional focus on them these days I sure its even harder. I see the days soon when its going to be hard for police dept’s to find and hire good qualified officers. I hear from several friends and Family who are in law enforcement that request for early retirements are way up, A fair # of current officers have put in termination letters, and the # of people who are registered at police academies are at record lows. I can’t say I blame them. I would not want any part of that job these days !!! If people fear police offers now – Wait till there is not enough of them or when the ones we have are not the best qualified.

    critter 1
    Posts: 127

    I was a law enforcemnt officer for 31 years maybe the last 12 years tasers were used. Those years yes we trained with them but I never saw one deployed or even threatened in an actual on the street situation. It just isnt that common. You probably run across situations requiring you to draw your weapon more than a tazer. It will be interesting to know if she ever deployed one in an actual on street situation or only in training. In the excitment of the momement could a mistake happen. Of course. Should it no. But what if it’s your first time.

    You hope your training takes over. For all of you with conceal carry permits a good question. Do you hope you do the right thing in the heat of the moment? Will you make the right decision? You don’t have even close to the training an officer does and yet mistakes happen. Just throwing that out for thought.

    Posts: 5139

    request for early retirements are way up

    Yup. I know a few that were on the edge before this. After this week I’m sure they are writing their resignation letters.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    You hope your training takes over. For all of you with conceal carry permits a good question. Do you hope you do the right thing in the heat of the moment? Will you make the right decision? You don’t have even close to the training an officer does and yet mistakes happen. Just throwing that out for thought.

    There’s a question I hope I never have to answer.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>buckybadger wrote:</div>
    The last year has reminded me every day just how happy I am to not live in an urban or suburban area. You couldn’t pay me enough to live in the metro area or surrounding suburbs.

    And all of us suburban dwellers are “citiots” too I suppose. I’m sure every person including you that lives in a rural setting is an angel.

    Why would you put words in my mouth?

    I simply stated I am glad to live where I do, and events like this remind me of that. If it ruffled your feathers that some people like living in different places, I’m sorry? I’ve got nothing against people who choose to live in the suburban setting as many of my family members do, that’s their choice. It’s not for me.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I simply stated I am glad to live where I do, and events like this remind me of that. If it ruffled your feathers that some people like living in different places, I’m sorry? I’ve got nothing against people who choose to live in the suburban setting as many of my family members do, that’s their choice. It’s not for me.

    I jumped the gun on your initial post. Thank you for clarifying it.

    Inner cities and suburban locations have their own set of problems and so do rural areas. I mistook your post as a really negative picture of all suburban or city locations. You made it sound like these sort of problems exist all over except in rural areas. My apologies Bucky. Again thank you for second response, all is well. Carry on

    Posts: 24606

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    Watching the body cam video I was wondering what in the world she was even trying to do. The one male officer had him detained and was about to put handcuffs on him, then she reaches her hands in there and that is when he got free and jumped back in the car. Why was she reaching her hands in there?

    She was that cops Training Officer. She saw the guy make a handful of mistakes and reach in to prevent an unsafe situation. First off he didn’t pull the suspect to the rear of the vehicle away from the door to prevent him from reaching/getting back into the vehicle. Second he didn’t have a good stance with him, suspects legs should be spread and officers leg should be between the suspects feet, not behind. Third he was fumbling with his handcuffs. She noticed the suspect tensing getting ready to fight/flee when she stepped in. Yes she grabbed the wrong tool.

    But why? I’ll let the facts surface before making a judgement.

    This makes sense thank you!

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>buckybadger wrote:</div>
    I simply stated I am glad to live where I do, and events like this remind me of that. If it ruffled your feathers that some people like living in different places, I’m sorry? I’ve got nothing against people who choose to live in the suburban setting as many of my family members do, that’s their choice. It’s not for me.

    I jumped the gun on your initial post. Thank you for clarifying it.

    Inner cities and suburban locations have their own set of problems and so do rural areas. I mistook your post as a really negative picture of all suburban or city locations. You made it sound like these sort of problems exist all over except in rural areas. My apologies Bucky. Again thank you for second response, all is well. Carry on

    My rural area has its issues too for sure…they’re just different issues that are easier for me to personally avoid.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    All I can say is its a tough job that police officers have. Are there bad police officers, Yes just like there are bad people in all professions. Do they sometimes make mistakes, Yes just like others in all professions. I use to do a fair amount of police ride alongs with a family member who was a Minneapolis police Officer. I can tell you these people see and handle way more crazy things than most citizens have a clue of. Things have gotten much worse over the years as some people have given police officers less respect and cooperation than they once use to.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Fascinating testimony today in the Chauvin trial. If the defense has enough experts and witnesses for the rest of the week like this, there is a reasonable chance that at least 1 member of the jury has doubt about his guilt, and would therefore be a hung jury.

    The burden of proof falls on the prosecution to convince all 12 jury members that he’s guilty. All the defense has to do is persuade 1 juror that he’s innocent.

    Posts: 0

    The question is, would Mr.Floyd have died at exactly the same time if they didn’t kneel on him, but just left him handcuffed in the prone position. My thoughts are he would not have, based on the testimony.

    Just my opinion.

    Posts: 1250

    Fascinating testimony today in the Chauvin trial. If the defense has enough experts and witnesses for the rest of the week like this, there is a reasonable chance that at least 1 member of the jury has doubt about his guilt, and would therefore be a hung jury.

    The burden of proof falls on the prosecution to convince all 12 jury members that he’s guilty. All the defense has to do is persuade 1 juror that he’s innocent.

    All the defense has to do is prove that there isn’t concrete proof that Chauvin killed him. 1 jury member has to say “i think he’s guilty but am not sure” then bam

    1. burden-of-proof-beyond-a-reasonable-doubt.jpg

    Posts: 1250

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
    1. Wanted criminal tries to flee the cops.
    2. Cop accidentally shoots criminal.

    #2 would not have happened if not for #1. And breaking the law without consequence is not acceptable behavior in a civilized society.

    The public reaction is way off balance and out of control. Something needs to be done to correct this or its going to get worse and eventually affect us all up close and personal.

    I agree that there are consequences for breaking the law and there always should be to maintain order. If you flee cops, your chances of something bad happening go up exponentially.

    On the same note, this police officer involved is now responsible for a death due to her negligence. Even though it clearly looks like she made a mistake, you are still responsible for your actions while making a mistake. This is a textbook example of manslaughter per Minnesota’s laws. She is going to jail. Let’s hope this is plead out early and everything is resolved with as much order as possible.

    I never would’ve predicted Minnesota to be the posterchild for civil unrest…but here we are. The last year has reminded me every day just how happy I am to not live in an urban or suburban area. You couldn’t pay me enough to live in the metro area or surrounding suburbs.

    It really sucks that a small part of the state can give the rest of the state a black eye also. The officer made a mistake. It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with people putting officers in situations where they have to react in a split second.

    In so sick and tired of seeing headlines about white officers killing black people. It’s not a racial issue. It happens to white and black criminals. Statistics show crime rates by race. Police interaction statistics match up pretty well. Obviously what happened here was just unfortunate and sad for all parties involved.

    Anyone else notice that the police leave you alone if you’re not doing anything wrong?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    In so sick and tired of seeing headlines about white officers killing black people. It’s not a racial issue. It happens to white and black criminals. Statistics show crime rates by race. Police interaction statistics match up pretty well. Obviously what happened here was just unfortunate and sad for all parties involved.

    Anyone else notice that the police leave you alone if you’re not doing anything wrong?

    You pretty much nailed it. The current high racial tensions are almost entirely manufactured by the media and whomever controls them. Controversy is their product and they can manufacture it out of thin air.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    Anyone else notice that the police leave you alone if you’re not doing anything wrong?

    Personally, yes, I have noticed that. If, for example, you have a wide set nose though that hasn’t always proven to be the case and that’s an issue.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    Personally, yes, I have noticed that. If, for example, you have a wide set nose though that hasn’t always proven to be the case and that’s the issue.

    I suppose running around pointing guns at people and resisting arrest when you are held accountable for actions you made qualifies as doing nothing wrong…. Both individuals in discussion here have these innocent actions on their record. haha..

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Reef Whooligan wrote:</div>
    Personally, yes, I have noticed that. If, for example, you have a wide set nose though that hasn’t always proven to be the case and that’s the issue.

    I suppose running around pointing guns at people and resisting arrest when you are held accountable for actions you made qualifies as doing nothing wrong…. Both individuals in discussion here have these innocent actions on their record. haha..

    Oh, I didn’t know the statistics mentioned were only about 2 cases.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    I am not sure either… I know the topic here only mentions the 2 cases. I believe the statement above was a all race statement and should be just that. Not about specific race. Statistics were not mentioned. It was a statement. You just brought it up race and I brought up facts. That’s all.

    Posts: 1271

    I feel sorry for you guys across the river, But please don’t move here, we got enough problems already.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Um was Floyd running around with a gun pointing it at people and resisting arrest? Or are you applying what one person did to another?

    All reef said is black people haven’t always been treated the same by cops as white people. Since you only care about facts you should care about that one. That’s about as factual a statement as you can make related to this discussion. I think entire police forces down south have been confirmed KKK members in some towns

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    I am not sure either… I know the topic here only mentions the 2 cases. I believe the statement above was a all race statement and should be just that. Not about specific race. Statistics were not mentioned. It was a statement. You just brought it up race and I brought up facts. That’s all.

    The thread was started before Daunte Wright was shot so maybe I’m just unclear on who is allowed to expand the conversation topic and in what ways. I was responding to a question that has implications beyond just two cases and was posed after stating that “It’s not a racial issue. It happens to white and black criminals. Statistics show crime rates by race. Police interaction statistics match up pretty well.”

    If anybody doesn’t know why I mentioned a wide-set nose in my response it’s because Philando Castile was pulled over because “The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery. The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just because of the wide-set nose. I couldn’t get a good look at the passenger.”

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1592

    I’m just unclear on who is allowed to expand the conversation topic and in what ways. I was responding to a question that has implications beyond just two cases and was posed after stating that “It’s not a racial issue. It happens to white and black criminals. Statistics show crime rates by race. Police interaction statistics match up pretty

    The experience of my mixed race nephews supports Crappie’s statement. They are well educated, grew up in an affluent family, lived in nice suburbs. The two mixed race nephews are stopped much more frequently and for specious reasons than their white brother who grew up in the same household, treated with less respect when stopped, interrogated about why they are in the neighborhood, etc. It’s racism, plain and simple.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    If I remember my Bible right this all started when Eve took that bite of the apple! flame Then the one brother killed the other right? Which one was the cop brother? Killer or killed?

    Posts: 6687

    Isolated to urban areas IMO

    I watched some videos on Reddit regarding PublicFreakOut over lunch hour…All of them had big buildings in background.


    Media is terrible at escalating emotional unrest. They should be on trial IMO. He who stirs the shitpot should have to lick the spoon.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Isolated to urban areas IMO

    I watched some videos on Reddit regarding PublicFreakOut over lunch hour…All of them had big buildings in background.


    Media is terrible at escalating emotional unrest. They should be on trial IMO. He who stirs the shitpot should have to lick the spoon.

    Agree. Civil unrest is good for their business. Why wouldn’t they promote it? And they get away with it under the guise of free speech when individual Americans right to free speech is squelched more every day. Back to the trial. Hope its fair.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Which trial? This one or the next one?

    Sent my cop buddy a short note this morning expressing my thoughts & prayers for him and his fellow cops. His reply was he wasn’t sure he wanted to be a cop anymore.

    How sad is that?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Anyone else notice that the police leave you alone if you’re not doing anything wrong?

    While I do agree with your statement, its hard to put ourselves in the shoes of being a person, and especially a male, of color. I’m white and I’ll never know what that feels like.

    I posted earlier that many of these incidents occur because someone is resisting arrest, trying to flee, or being non-cooperative. The video clearly shows that in both the Floyd incident and the Wright incident. When three armed officers attempt to detain me, I will listen. I’m not going to try and jump back in the car and escape because that almost never works and often results in bigger problems. I’d much rather just get cuffed and sort it out later than have the situation escalate.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Yes, being a middle aged white man, has tremendous benefits… let me list them in priority… I will have to think about these for awhile. Media and people constantly telling people of color.. ” you are treated differently, you have no chance, the cards are stacked against you… nobody knows your pain… you are screwed no matter what… the narrative continues… the actual programmed racism is continued.

    Until we can tell ALL people, when you are interacting with a police person, their goal is to control the situation and to go home safe at shift end.. when ANYONE starts acting all crazy, things will escalate quickly. Can we get the message to people of all races… when dealing with police or military (NG) troops, please comply and live. When you get stupid, stupid things happen. It really is that simple, but the media will not put that message out, there is no money in people getting along.

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