Welcome to IDO! 
I think I agree with a lot of people who say Mac will be some tough fishing this year. With all the new cover in the lake from years of it growing all over the place, those fish will have lots of places to hide, and they will. I assume you’ll be going for walleyes? From a boat?
If in a boat, I would not be afraid to try a few early season trolling tactics at a slower speed. Live baiting would not be a bad thing to try, either. Personally, if live baiting, I would start up around the dam area on the north side somewhere and start shallow and work out deeper. I don’t have any idea what the water temp out there is and I haven’t heard anything about Mac for a couple weeks, so keep that in mind.
If you are fishing from shore, I’d fish the rocky areas around the morning glory and where the rocks and sand meet on the north side. You’ll have chances at smallies, walleyes, wipers….it could be some real fun.
I’m sure someone else with better (and more current) knowledge will post and be able to help you better. Have fun on your visit, it’s a great place.