Fisher Roofing Walleye Classic @ Big Mac

  • seibert
    Kearney, Nebraska
    Posts: 52

    I’ve noticed over the course of the last 4-5 months there have been no posts on the Lake Mac forum so, I thought, why not start the chatter about a High Stakes Walleye Tourney on Big Mac.

    Fisher Roofing Walleye Classic
    Lake McConaughy-August 11-12, 2007

    $300.00 entry fee per two person team.

    Payout will be made to 1 in 10 entries, with the following payout based on a 125 team field:
    1st-$11,000 5th-$1,700 9th-$900
    2nd-$5,500 6th-$1,200 10th-$800
    3rd-$3,500 7th-$1,100 11th-$700
    4th-$3,000 8th-$1,000 12th-$600

    This tournament has been designated as a Cabela’s National Team Championship Qualifier for the 2008 tournament.

    For more information go to , or call Bill Seibert(308)440-3050, Tim Hoffman(308)293-0661, or Scott Placzek(308)390-0721.

    Tournament flyers and entry forms are available at , or by email at [email protected].

    Mandatory rules meeting at The Sand’s Edge Restaurant, August 10th at 6:00 PM

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Pete and I will be there.

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    I will be there with somebody

    Omaha, Ne
    Posts: 211

    I am hoping to be there!

    Kearney, Nebraska
    Posts: 52

    Jason-in picking the date, I tried to skip all PWT and FLW dates so we could have a chance at some of you guys making it. Hope it works out. Good luck the rest of the season.

    Omaha, Ne
    Posts: 211

    Greatly appreciated Bill. I will find a way to make it happen.


    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    You need a partner Jason

    Posts: 6

    Sounds great Bill, I’ll see if I can make it.

    Kearney, Nebraska
    Posts: 52

    Welcome to In-Depth angling! I hope we see you at the tournament. You never know, instead of Montana, you might be in Alaska! I hope all is going well out there, keep in touch. Bill

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Welcome KP!

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