Composting toilets for seasonal use

  • WishIwasWiser
    Posts: 176

    Looking into this as a convenient hunting shack solution. Thinking if I decide to “live” at the cabin for a few months each fall, it would be nice to have an indoor facility. I see that the decomposition process stops at around 50F. Any one have any experience with two weeks heated, two weeks not, for example? Any other comments or experience?

    Posts: 603

    I have a Nature’s Head composting toilet in a non heated area. I’ve had it 4 years. I used it more often at first, but now I live near my cabin, so I don’t use it very often. Mine has a urine collection bottle that gets emptied more often. I have not emptied the compost yet. It seems to work fine. I did use it in the winter at first. It has a fan the runs and the stuff in the compost area is very dry. It seems like it dehydrates significantly but the paper disappears too. Maybe I’ll empty it this summer and give everyone a plant for Christmas next year.

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