report 12/3

  • dan(or)
    Portland, Oregon, USA
    Posts: 153

    Well, we didn’t too well on numbers last night,but managed a couple. We had several hits that were on and then off after a couple of get your blood pumping head shakes. Teasers! Finally a 23″ fish in the livewell and then my fishing parnter says “Oh, yeah, Got one!” and he repeated that a couple of more times. The fish surfaced and looked big… I had to use both hands to lift the net in the boat…. 32″ L 20+” girth Weight 16lb 10 oz. Nice fish eh? It was released after a few photos.

    Out in Oregon Land where the walleyes grow bigger and the water temp is 44.5 degrees, soft water fishing continues :-))))

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128


    Were these fish hitting cranks on 3-ways as well? How deep?
    What a mule…… Thats exactly what I am looking for!!
    16#’er….yikes. Yeah, I would say that would get the blood pumping!!

    Any pictures of her?

    Portland, Oregon, USA
    Posts: 153


    yup, 3 ways…. 18′ to 25′ here is the pic


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