report 11/26

  • dan(or)
    Portland, Oregon, USA
    Posts: 153

    We were out last night, caught 3 fish 24, 22, 21. Fast current, high wind and night time fishing is quite a mixture. Water temp was 46 degrees. When you get a hit and the wind and curent push you past the fish before your partner can get his line in, you need to change tactics! They were hitting #16 bombers….

    Out in Oregn land where the walleyes grow bigger and we fish them year aorund in soft water:+)

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Hey Dan

    A question… Dustin, Steve Dezurik and I, we’re seriously talking about coming out there next summer/fall. We’d like to tangle with the big girls… although we appreciate each and every 6 Lb’er we catch, that’s not why we’d pull a boat over the rockies… if you get my drift. So, when’s the best time to get out there and get after the biggest of the big?

    Any chance we could hire you as fishing guide for a couple days to get us pointed in the right direction?

    Portland, Oregon, USA
    Posts: 153


    did you get my email?


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Hey dan

    Yeah, I just did read that mail. I was out of town for the holiday and just now getting caught back up. Sounds like the best fishing would coincide with my guiding up on Mille Lacs. November would work for me, very well actually, but November doesn’t sound or seem like it has the same consistency to offer as the Sept. & October full moons. Is that correct? And the spring-time bite, although that might be our bets bet for that one ultra-hawg, sounds so inconsistent that we’d certainly look to come later in the year.

    November certainly seems like it would be the most likely time for me to come. I’ll kick this info around with Dustin and DeeZee and see what those walleye-hounds think.

    Thanks very much for your insight into fishing out there. Seems a bit like a dream… all those big walleyes and nobody fishing for them!

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128

    Even though November would be hard to pull me away from the river, I can guess I could be talked in to a 15# cow on the other end of my line that just got done drilling my 5″ Kalin tail in about 3 foot of water? Sound appealing?

    Dan, do you do much casting for these girls at night or do you mostly troll with cranks longline or on 3-ways?

    Dustin, what do ya think?

    Count me in for November.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    Sounds pretty inviting for sure. We’ll have to talk and see what we come up with. I would love to have a 13lb+ walleye on a Kalin tail or ringie in 3′ of water.

    Portland, Oregon, USA
    Posts: 153

    To answer some questions….. three ways, but I am REAL excited to have some guys come out and challenge the conventional wisdon of the Columbia River fishermen. There may be fish shallow but nobody, and when I say nobody, I mean in the ten years I have fished it I have not seen a fish caught under 10′. and I have tried.

    November will be good, James. THe Shad will have gone to the ocean and the water temp will be in the low 50s or so. I would plan on putting as many days as possible on each side of the full moon. I have done really well three days ahead and right through and past the full moon. ANd the Nov full moon falls earlier next year about the 10th or so … I have a picture of three ten + lb fish last year caught on Veterans Day/ night..

    you guys want to try steelhead fishing? at night?

    Again, I can’t wait to get you guys out here! your going to pull a boat right? and camp or motel it? You could save some $$ and camp…. I have an old rv that usually winters upstream…. we’ll talk more about accomidations as the time nears….

    Just be ready to hand out a few lesson to me ok?


    Out in Oregon land where the walleyes grow bigger and the midwest boys are coming after them next year!

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128


    Thanks for the info!! What would you say has been your most consistant depth for pulling the big fish in November full moon for both day and nights success trips of yours?

    We will most likely pull one rig out there for now with the three of us and maybe one guy can hop in with you for a night or all can hop in one boat….whatever, decide that later I guess. As far as lodging goes, depends on how long we stay out there I guess, but the cheaper the better, that way we can spend more $ on gear right? As long as its got a roof top of somekind its cool with me!
    November 8th looks to be the peak of the moon for next year. I would imagine we would set sail from Mn by Nov 4th or so. We see as it gets near.

    I caught your revised signature, be sure to save a couple for us next fall OK?

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 399


    I was talking to DeeZee regarding the trip they are planning. I’m looking to do the same, but would like to try the October full moon period. I guess I’m looking for the same things these guys are, so if you could pass along any info to me, that’d be great. I do plan on pulling my boat out there.

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