Just realized yesterday, at the ripe old age of 37 years old that I’m color blind. Long story short but it started from tracking a deer (first time I’ve tracked a deer blood trail that wasn’t in snow) and not being able to see blood spots on brown and green leaves that others were able to easily see.
It got me to thinking and I knew my nephew was color blind and I knew it was hereditary. So I decided to take several different online tests and they all came back with the same result – deutan color blind. Sent the same test to my brother and he found out he is also color blind (which makes sense based on the genetics). It got me thinking that I’m surprised standard vision tests don’t test for color at all. Essentially you’ll never know you’re color blind unless you somehow find out on your own. Pretty funny stuff.
Anyone else color blind here?
Here is one of the better tests for anyone else thats curious. It takes like 1 minute. Make sure you turn any blue light filters off and turn your brightness all the way up