Colin Kaepernick Irony

  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    What does this have to do with outdoor sports?

    Why not start with freedom to enjoy those sports. And since Kap is a sports figure, the freedom for him to utter his worthless crap.

    You can add me to the list of those who once thought you were an ok guy, but anyone who would defend that less-than-good-football weasel and the stance he wants to take isn’t anyone that I can respect. Sorry bud but you’re way off base with your thinking.

    Rush City MN
    Posts: 842

    To quote Merle Haggard – “When your runnin down my country Hoss you walkin on the fightin side of me”. Enough said.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    It’s not political. If he sat down because he was tired he’d still be getting the same flack.

    I’m sure kappernick would like it to be political, to get whatever his point is through, but that’s not why people are upset with him.

    I think there was a basketball player who pulled the same stunt because he was Muslim. He was “protesting” because we were killing Muslims in the middle East. It was so affective that most will have to google it to confirm it.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Wow, not astonished but surprised to say the least. I am now being called a bad guy for arguing about his thread. I never even defended Kapearnick as was claimed by those of you that wrote me off. If you actually read what i typed you would see that but leave it to you guys to write be off as a bad person without even listening to me. Tom you called people with tatoos puss-bellys (whatever that means) in a previous post. Sorry to tell you buddy but tattoos have been around and accepted for thousands of years. Next time you and mother hitch up the wagon and go into town take a look around you might find that things have changed a bit and its not the 1950’s anymore, like it or not.

    big_g politics does not necessitate the two party system of democrat and republican. Believe it or not there are other countries out there and, in fact, millions of years of human existence, all of which the word and concept of politics applies to. Politics does not necessitate America, it’s actually a term that can be universally applied to lots of environments and i means general the mode of governance over a collection of people. If you would prefer that i change the terminology to “politcal” than fine, this situation is political. Personally i think Kapernick is a moron but what does that matter. I think the true irony here is that people like bullcans praise freedom of speech as a blessing in America but, according to him, if someone says something he doesnt agree with that person deserves to be smacked upside the head. Kapernick is an American last time i checked but apparently his words deserve a beating rather than are respected as his right? And dutchboy throws out there that he should go on welfare and unemployment? Why cause he is black? Or was it another that suggested he should collect food stamps because he is black (thats not racist at all). Does any part of this sound political to you? Just what exactly is your definition of political?

    Furthermore, have any of you even read Kapernicks quotes? From everything i have read he has never said he was oppressed or that he was not privileged or thankful for his opportunities in life yet thats what you guys are saying he said. He said he is making a stand against all those who are oppressed. Are there no oppressed people in this country? If a guy cant make a stand against what he sees as oppression in this country than what good is this country and our constitution?

    I am an American. I love living here, and i am grateful for all that this country provides for me, my family, and others in this world. I am a white middle class male just like 80+% of you on this forum i would guess. My voice means as much as the next guys whether he be black, white, red or blue, or a moron like Kapernick. That is the meaning behind the concept of freedom of speech. What is the value of freedom of speech if a guy gets whacked upside the head for speaking? The real irony here is that you all claim to be standing up for your pride in America and all that is American. Well, Kapernick is excising his rights as an American and you all want to beat him for it. That sounds like the way every oppressive government does business.

    The fact of the matter is none of it should be a topic of discussion here at all.

    To those that now call me a bad person, I wont go so far as to say i think that you are bad people. I am not so short sited to think i can fully understand a person based off of a thread of a message board. I will simply say you have a different opinion than i do, not about kapernick, but about what it means to be American. And having a different opinion is what we are all entitled to, both you and me. Hopefully if i ever see some of you, you wont beat me upside my head.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17355

    Good response, however.

    I never said nor inferred he was black. Unemployment & welfare knows no color.

    Also, if he burned the American flag he would come under fire here as much as he did for sitting during the national anthem. It’s not the act of defiance people are mad about. We all understand his right to voice his opinion. It’s how he did it.

    Us old guys remember Jesse Owens sticking it to Hitler. We remember power to the people at the Olympics. We remember MLK being shot. We remember when this country was something to be proud of not be ashamed of. BLM, Kapernick and all the rest who oppose what happens here have every right to protest. They however don’t have a right to civil disobedience or disrespecting (gawd I hate that word) the country by burning the flag or not standing for the national anthem.

    There is a line between voicing your opinion and being un-American IMO.

    BTW, this isn’t new……the protests during the Viet Nam conflict did the same things they are doing today.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    “They however don’t have a right to civil disobedience or disrespecting (gawd I hate that word) the country by burning the flag or not standing for the national anthem.”

    i appreciate your response but actually every American has the right to disrespect the country. It is not illegal to sit for the national anthem. It sounds like you are confusing what a persons rights are as a citizen with what you believe is right.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12547

    “They however don’t have a right to civil disobedience or disrespecting (gawd I hate that word) the country by burning the flag or not standing for the national anthem.”

    i appreciate your response but actually every American has the right to disrespect the country. It is not illegal to sit for the national anthem.

    Crappie – I see where you are at with this whole thing, but your not going to fair well on the subject here. You are correct he has the right to disrespect this country, but that also means True Americans also have the right to be angry or upset at him for it. Just because its not Illegal does not make it right or correct.

    Trent W
    Chatfield, MN
    Posts: 186

    Yes, he has a right to sit out the National Anthem. No one is calling for him to be arrested for violating a law. Just because he has that right, does not forfeit everyone else’s right to disagree with him. I for one hope to never see him on the field again.

    As for being political? Of course it is. I also consider it a current event in the world of sports. If this is out of bounds in this forum, then we should also refrain from talking about Mille Lacs walleye regulations, AIS laws, antler point restrictions, gun rights, etc. All those outdoors current events could also be labeled as political. Now if you want to discuss why Hillary is a lying, murdering, cheating bit$%…that would be a political discussion, so I won’t talk about that.

    If you think this or any other thread is offensive or in violation of the forum rules, a simple message to a moderator would be a good place to start. Jumping in and yelling foul like you are the supreme forum police just doesn’t go over well.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    This is all I have to add, God Bless our Military Service Members…past and present…

    1. salute.jpg

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Most of this argument would not exist if the draft had not been nixed in the 60’s. I signed into the selective service office like everyone else but opted to enlist before I lost my say in what branch of the service I would serve in.

    Today many young people have no idea what service to the country means or stands for, because they are not in or have been in any branch of the military. They think they don’t need to partake. They don’t have time. They’re chicken schnit. Whatever. The draft assured that able bodied men were continuing life’s education in one branch of the four branches of service. Part of that service involves taking pride in the country and the flag that represents it and the pledge to reside in this country. Part also involves defending the freedoms of those who choose to dishonor this symbolic pride in our country either in writing, or actions or in covering your body in ink like some derelict….just because one can.

    Those who have served have earned any tats they have. Those who have served have a greater voice in my eye than some twink who plays a game instead of choosing to serve his country for 4 short years. That dink should be yanked out of every game he chooses to disrespect the flag and music. After all, we don’t have the draft and look at all the young kids worshipping the mutt.

    I’d sure as heck support any move to re-enact the draft making it mandatory for every male without a mental defect or debilitating physical serve immediately after high school and before any college regardless of how damn good any was at basketball or football. Maybe then we’d see some of these fools respect the fact that they can even speak.

    Maybe if every active or former active military person that attends those games with Kapernik in them stayed home the owners of the teams would do their own protest and not let him suit up or sit with the team and not pay him until he decided that the country deserves the respect he chooses to shun. Sorry dude but Kapernik isn’t worth defending.

    Posts: 0

    He’s not worth talking about…

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    appreciate your response but actually every American has the right to disrespect the country. It is not illegal to sit for the national anthem. It sounds like you are confusing what a persons rights are as a citizen with what you believe is right.

    Having the right to do it doesn’t make it right… he did it at a very public venue, and in my mind should be sanctioned by the NFL for doing so. I’d like to see him kicked to the curb.

    As far as this thread.. part of what makes this site great is that we can have adult conversations here, often between like minded, outdoor, country loving people. Another sign of why this Idiot’s actions are wrong. The problem isn’t our country, the flag or the history behind them… it is a social thing, and his act just adds further divide. It solves nothing, and makes average people like myself more likely to turn our heads to support change… I’ve had enough of the blocking streets, burning buildings, and disrespect of the flag. I could almost say I don’t care about the issue any longer….

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22895

    He is of mixed race… he uses the race that suits his situation best, when he can apply it. I do feel that someone who stood up, volunteered and defended his country, might have a little more clout with his words, than some spoiled rotten, entitled footballer, who thinks it is his right to ignore the sacrifice that was made for this country, to make it what it is and all the rest of us are suppose to sit by idly ??? If he knows of somewhere better, I will buy him the ticket. No flag or anthem ever enslaved anyone… this country is a Democracy… look up the word, along with Majority. Education is a wonderful thing.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I like to think in America we have a lot of freedoms including the freedom to protest and elicit change. All under the flag. To me personally, flag burning and not respecting the anthem is like saying fu to America and that you aren’t interested in working within its freedoms for change to make it a better place, but rather would live outside this countries foundations, what makes it great.

    To that end I liked it better when people who burned flags and pouted during the anthem got their arses whooped.

    I know its cliche, but if you don’t like it here and want to disrespect the place that gives you opportunity to make changes, fix what is wrong, get the hell out.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    Wasn’t he fined for calling someone the “N” word on the field? Isn’t he an oppressor himself?

    I am still scratching my head about what he is trying to accomplish.

    Posts: 1275

    this country is a Democracy… look up the word, along with Majority. Education is a wonderful thing.

    No, we are not a democracy. We are a republic.

    In a democracy, citizens directly vote on laws, we vote for representatives.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Bottom line here is: He’s free to say or do what he wants BUT he needs to live with what comes to him in the aftermath. He’s a POS QB that just made himself a distraction. NFL teams don’t put up with that unless it comes from a star player. This will derail his career in a hurry. And good for him.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    I think it was a dumb move by Kaepernick, absolutely.

    But I’m pretty bored of people saying, “what does he know about oppression, he’s a rich athlete!”

    Again, don’t agree with the way he chose to voice his opinions, but think about that statement for one second and you’ll realize it’s ridiculous.

    Aren’t people in his position EXACTLY the people we need to speak up if there’s something wrong in this country? Is a poor gang violence victim in Chicago going to be the one to make change? No, it’s going to be people in positions of ‘power’. Power could be political leaders, celebrities, athletes, you know, people who get attention and who have resources at their disposal. If I held a press conference to talk about black rights you know how many people would hear about it? NONE.

    If our president gave a speech on the oppression of black people or minorities, would you all stand up and say “What does he know about being oppressed, he’s the president of the united states! He is the opposite of oppressed!” (well, I’m sure that’s what Fox News would say, which basically validates my point)

    So, in conclusion, disagree with Kaepernick on how he chose to bring attention to what almost certainly is a problem in the US, but don’t question the message because of his salary, that’s just stupid.

    Posts: 1583

    best part in the whole thing is that he’s been doing it the entire preseason. he himself had to bring attention to it because no one noticed.

    Posts: 1583

    the only awareness this really brings up is the hypocrisy of many people.

    if he’d done this in protest of gay marriage, the people applauding him now would be aghast at this. and the people crapping on him now because of it would be ‘FREE SPEECH FREE SPEECH”

    kap has the right to display his idiocy, just like we have the right to react to it. his choice of medium was poor. awareness is an attempt to bring understanding and concensus to a problem that actually exists. this only further drives a wedge between 2 sides. you would think that vets (who are in my opinion treated just as poorly as minorities in this country) would be a great bunch of people to try and get support from regarding social injustice. but you lost them with this type of act.

    i also don’t buy that i need to have been oppressed in some way to stand up for what is right. the problem here is kap is kind of an idiot and not someone you really want fighting your cause.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    I guess the parallel with Gay marriage would be this.

    *Colin Kaepernick sits down during national anthem to protest that gay marriage isn’t legal in all 50 states*


    Interested in this part of your post though hnd:

    vets(who are in my opinion treated just as poorly as minorities in this country)

    I’m not necessarily disagreeing with it, I’m a middle class white dude, with no military experience, so I don’t really know.

    It seems like vets get a lot more support and attention now than they used to(not saying it’s enough though!). In what way are vets treated poorly now? Not enough support from the government for PTSD, injuries, etc?

    In my little world it seems like vets are hyper recognized publicly these days, of course, the local pro baseball team wearing camo for a few games a year is a far cry from making sure returning vets have the medical/psychological support they need.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22895

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    this country is a Democracy… look up the word, along with Majority. Education is a wonderful thing.

    No, we are not a democracy. We are a republic.

    In a democracy, citizens directly vote on laws, we vote for representatives.

    You best call Merriam-Webster and tell them their definition is wrong then……

    Full Definition of democracy
    plural democracies
    a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
    b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

    Posts: 1275

    Regardless of what Merriam-Webster says regarding their definition, a true democracy and a republic are two different animals. We are a “constitutional republic”, which is why EVERY person has inalienable rights that a democracy does NOT grant or protect. The following is a cut-n-paste showing a very simplistic, basic explanation of the primary difference between the two. Although I get where you are coming from, it is important to note the difference between the two, because that difference affects us ALL.

    Rule by the omnipotent majority. In a democracy, an individual, and any group of individuals composing any minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of the majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man.

    A republic is similar to a representative democracy except it has a written constitution of basic rights that protect the minority from being completely unrepresented or overridden by the majority.

    Posts: 1583

    Interested in this part of your post though hnd:

    vets(who are in my opinion treated just as poorly as minorities in this country)

    I’m not necessarily disagreeing with it, I’m a middle class white dude, with no military experience, so I don’t really know.

    It seems like vets get a lot more support and attention now than they used to(not saying it’s enough though!). In what way are vets treated poorly now? Not enough support from the government for PTSD, injuries, etc?

    In my little world it seems like vets are hyper recognized publicly these days, of course, the local pro baseball team wearing camo for a few games a year is a far cry from making sure returning vets have the medical/psychological support they need.

    recognized publically and getting the help you need are two totally different things. there are thousands of vets who come home and are mentally and phyically unable to cope in the real world and there isn’t much place for them to go. VA hospitals and clinics are horribly underfunded.

    I never served because when i was that age, i did not appreciate what it meant to do so. That being said, i have plenty of friends who did and see on a regular basis the lack of help they receive even though its sought after.

    Who better to strenthen your cause. you fought to make equality available to all people and yet thats not happening. we applaud your fight for us and hope that you will stand with us here as well! what a difference that could make. thats possibly all but gone considering a idiot athlete danced on iconic American symbolism that is so important to much of our military.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>philtickelson wrote:</div>
    Interested in this part of your post though hnd:

    vets(who are in my opinion treated just as poorly as minorities in this country)

    I’m not necessarily disagreeing with it, I’m a middle class white dude, with no military experience, so I don’t really know.

    It seems like vets get a lot more support and attention now than they used to(not saying it’s enough though!). In what way are vets treated poorly now? Not enough support from the government for PTSD, injuries, etc?

    In my little world it seems like vets are hyper recognized publicly these days, of course, the local pro baseball team wearing camo for a few games a year is a far cry from making sure returning vets have the medical/psychological support they need.

    recognized publically and getting the help you need are two totally different things. there are thousands of vets who come home and are mentally and phyically unable to cope in the real world and there isn’t much place for them to go. VA hospitals and clinics are horribly underfunded.

    I never served because when i was that age, i did not appreciate what it meant to do so. That being said, i have plenty of friends who did and see on a regular basis the lack of help they receive even though its sought after.

    Who better to strenthen your cause. you fought to make equality available to all people and yet thats not happening. we applaud your fight for us and hope that you will stand with us here as well! what a difference that could make. thats possibly all but gone considering a idiot athlete danced on iconic American symbolism that is so important to much of our military.

    Well this thread is going well off topic and in different directions altogether, roll but I wanted to add this to the above…

    11% of the homeless adult population are veterans
    20% of the male homeless population are veterans
    68% reside in principal cities
    32% reside in suburban/rural areas
    51% of individual homeless veterans have disabilities
    50% have serious mental illness
    70% have substance abuse problems
    57% are white males, compared to 38% of non-veterans
    50% are age 51 or older, compared to 19% non-veterans

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    I will never get back the 10 minutes I just spent reading this thread…It’s time to move on people… grin …RR

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22895

    Exactly… I am pretty sure Kaepernick is headed to the European or Canadian league shortly…. he can protest all he wants there.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Exactly… I am pretty sure Kaepernick is headed to the European or Canadian league shortly…. he can protest all he wants there.

    …and to think that he was a rising STUD quarterback in the NFL a mere 4 short years ago. Some would say he was the top QB in the league around the 11′-12′ seasons and now there are rumors of his release (and no teams in the NFL will want to touch this lightning rod of a player now…) RR

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12896

    I will never get back the 10 minutes I just spent reading this thread…It’s time to move on people… grin …RR

    oh I don’t know………… me it was a comically interesting read!!!!!!!! peace devil rotflol rotflol

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    I think a lot of misplaced anger was directed to crappie in this thread, pretty surprised how quick people jumped down his throat!

    I tried to deflect some of it to a separate conversation, I’ll let you guys get back to bashing crappie’s character because he asked if this is an appropriate topic on a fishing/hunting forum….

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