CO Presence

  • nhamm
    Posts: 7348

    Got me to thinking, and in this thinking while looking back at the last year I was checked by the DNR several times and by far the most in my life. From Leech, to Mille Lacs, Medicine in Plymouth and the almighty Mississippi in a few spots amongst others.

    One late fall night at the Coon Rapids Dam being quite surprising. Wife and I were fishing and out of nowhere this guy starts walking out of the woods, had me startled to be honest and started back to my wife just in case, when he announced who he was.

    All encounters being very pleasant, them asking for licenses, how the fishing is, how thicks the ice in some instances then move on. It’s wonderful to see.

    Anyone else noticing more of a presence?

    Posts: 1148

    I was checked 5 times on P4 last year. Each one was very friendly and easy going. Life jackets (had my inflatable on) and license is all I had to show them. Spoke with a CO at the launch on leech. Was never checked in Wisconsin but I was mostly out during the week then.

    Posts: 420

    It goes in spurts for me. I fish Winnebago system 50+ days a year. The first 6 years I lived here I never got checked. One year I got checked on the ice, then on the river, then on the lake all within the span of a month. Since then maybe once or twice.

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    I’ve been checked once in my life, oddly enough it was in iowa where I’ve only ever fished two days in my entire life. Warden had a pretty nice ranger boat.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    I haven’t been checked by an actual CO in many years. Various “water patrols”, yes, actual COs, no.

    IMO Minnesota is VASTLY under-resourced when it comes to COs. Just look at the list on the DNR website and think about all the ground this group has to cover. Many of these COs are patrolling multiple large counties.


    Posts: 5139

    I haven’t been checked in atleast a year. And I’ve been to probably 30 different lakes(including Leech, Red, Namakan, and Mille Lacs), racking up around 50 days on the water. But every encounter I have had in the past has been pleasant.

    It may make more of a difference though since I mainly target bass in the summer. However walleye is usually my winter target.

    Chad Leonhardt
    Posts: 25

    I was checked 3 separate times duck hunting on P4 last season, very friendly and never an issue. Every time by the same CO, I was starting to think he had it out for me. Sure keeps a man honest, but I never had anything to worry about.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    One thing to point out is the places people have been commenting they are getting checked are some pretty high profile locations (i.e. ML, Leech, P4, etc). I’m thinking if you spent a lot of time on Long, Round or Clear Lake (meaning 3 of the most generic named lakes) your chances of getting checked by a CO are diminished.

    Posts: 1892

    My first time getting checked open water by a co was last March on pool 2. Other then that I have always been skipped over when I have ran across them on pool 4 or 2.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Agree with Tegg.

    On the St Croix opener expect to get checked no less the 4 times in the afternoon.

    In rural Minnesota (like the Hutchinson area) I was checked onces in 30+ years.

    But just like fish, the CO’s go where there’s the most “bait”. (or in other words, have the largest impact)

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    I have only be ticked one time being checked. We were on saganaga in the boundary waters and were check three times by the same guy in a three Jr. Period. He checked everything safety gear etc each time. Bad enough to be bothered three times in a remote area but the same guy and go though the safety stuff each time it wasn’t like we didn’t have it. It wouldn’t have been an issue if they saw us catching fish and just checked out bag. He was rude to us and we were more then friendly at first. But by the third time I told him he was harassing us and we reported him to the local office. All other instances have been treated very well and fair. Most officers are just very nice and doing there job.

    Posts: 95

    Got checked on Cedar in New Prague last summer. Friendly woman. Same story asked for our licenses, presented them and asked how the fishing was and told us to have a good time.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500

    In the last 18 Months I have been checked many times. I have been some places I would never expect to see another person. Like Brian stated on the croix on Walleye opener 4 times in one day is not uncommon. In Florida one day I was checked 2 times. Probably due to being so pale.

    No bad experiences with any of the stops. Both Shore and boat.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Though you may not had been checked much you may have been watched (binoculars) more then you think.

    I know thats a common practice of the DNR, Park Service,Border Patrol, Coast Guard in VNP.

    Posts: 5139

    Though you may not had been checked much you may have been watched (binoculars) more then you think.

    I know thats a common practice of the DNR, Park Service,Border Patrol, Coast Guard in VNP.

    If you’re watching me while walleye fish you have got a boring job

    Whopper Stopper
    Forest Lake MN
    Posts: 159

    Interesting thread. I have been approached and visited by a CO 2 times in the last 4 years. I log a fair amount of time on the water, but I also am one that stays off by myself. In both cases the officers visited and asked questions, but neither of them even checked my license.


    Posts: 3403

    I haven’t been checked in a couple of years. I have seen the sheriff boat on pool 4 many times, but he has never checked me. I know he watches from a distance and then weaves through the boats to someone he has been watching.

    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    I’ve been checked a few times, all but 1 while fishing. All times friendly contacts and easy going.

    To add to the topic, do you feel you get checked more hunting or fishing?

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 1984

    I see my area CO Kuske several times a year out on patrol. Mostly in the Spring at a popular shore fishing spot that I practically live at for the first couple of months after ice off.

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