clutch weights for yak 700

  • rubberduck
    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    I am wanting to replace my clutch weights(lighter) on my 16′ Kodiak 700 to get more off the line. have any of you done this? is there anything I should watch out for? how easy is it? not much of a gearhead but would like to do it myself thanks!


    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    If you’re familiar with any other CVT clutch for snowmobiles or ATV’s, the Yamaha primary will be foreign to you. It essentially works the same, it’s just designed very differently. The Grizzly and Kodiak clutches are exactly the same with the exception of the clutch weights, so any video tutorial you could find for a grizzly is the same. Drop in the 16 or 18 gram weights and let er’ rip. It’s straight forward and easy. While you have the sheave off, put a shim in the primary also. Don’t touch the secondary unless you plan on running some massive tires.

    Be sure to have the proper lube ready for re-assembly and if you don’t have an impact screwdriver, get one. Stripping the primary cover screws are not very hard to do…

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    I am a complete rookie when I comes to this stuff. I couldnt find a video on the kodiak and didn’t even think of just looking up a grizz video as they have the same clutch\engine.

    If the cover screws are easy to strip wouldn’t I want to hand tighten them?

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1074

    An impact screwdriver turns as you hit it with a hammer. It keeps the bit fully seated in the fastener to prevent stripping it.

    1. Screenshot_20180925-101028.png

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    doah ahhh gotcha. Thanks for the clearification.

    Savage Brewer
    Savage, MN
    Posts: 123

    If you havent looked already go over to Grizzly Central forums.

    All sorts of info from secondary springs, coop45 mod sheaves, primary shimming, wet slug clutches, hunterworks and more.

    Cheapest mod would be to throw in 1.1mm of shim on the primary, really helps the low end for like $5 but you will lose about 5mph on the top end.

    Are you running oversize tires? What is your riding style, what do you primarily use the ATV for?

    The clutch weights will not give you a lower ratio right off the idle, in order to obtain that you would need to either run shims or machine the primary sheave.
    Mods like clutch weights and the secondary spring will affect the CVT ratios in the midrange the most.

    If you do change out the weights I wouldn’t jump from 30g to 16g or 18g weights. Kodiaks usually come with 28g or 30g depending on year. Grizzlys come with 16g or 18g weights. Personally I like the feel of running 22g weights with the Purple EPI spring for mid range pulling power and then I have the Coop45 modded sheave for more reduction, but I am turning Growlers that weigh alot more than stock and are about 27.5″ diameter.

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