Climate Change

  • Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5151

    A little applause for the forum members that this thread is still alive and hasn’t completely devolved into name calling. Given the weather and all the pent up energy I would say we have all matured?

    I agree with the posts stating global warming is very hard to prove and it is mostly a political debate. Most would agree there are some very negative things going on in the environment that we need to address. Weather they impact climate change remains to be seen. These are things we could impact now if we wanted to. I would argue these are areas we can make an impact on individually and grass roots efforts can help make changes in our communities:

    1) Ground and water pollution through overuse of chemicals.
    2) Reliance on plastics.
    3) Food waste and food insecurity.

    Over population is also an issue and impacts all of these areas but that’s a little tougher one to tackle short term. I think everyone on this forum cares about their environment, especially locally. Pick an environmental issue that affects your area and get involved. Don’t rely on our leaders (I use that term loosely) in government to drive the change.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    How many conservatives believe in Global warming vs. Liberals? Its political.

    This is so 100% true. This issue is reflective of most others in our country today-people’s opinions are based not on the subject, but on politics. And I’m sure that’s the case on both sides of this issue for many, (including many who’ve posted on this thread), just like so many issues facing our country today.

    That’s what happens when a topic arises and you choose politics over issues. That’s why I still maintain I’m not a member of either party and never will be, because there’s there are stances and views from both parties on all kinds of issues that I agree with.

    But in this case, because a Democrat (Al Gore) largely championed the issue (or at least was one of the first to do it publicly), people on the other side will never take it seriously because the brand they’re loyal to says not to; and I’m sure it’s the same for some that blindly believe in it as well.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    Look… I’m not giving up my truck. You’re not giving up your truck. I’m not giving up my gas auger (although a new Strikemaster 40v would be nice!)

    The main point I am making is about my example with Xcel Energy. Again, it sounds like they are committing to clean energy because they feel they can do it cheaper, and also in response to consumer demand for it. In places like Colorado the mountain towns are demanding it from their utility companies. So Xcel is trying to get ahead of the curve, while others like the Platte River Power Authority are following suit.

    Just wake up and realize that you do have a voice in this. Regardless of whether or not Climate Change is real, doesn’t matter. If we can have cleaner air and water, and still keep our lifestyle I’m all for it.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Look… I’m not giving up my truck. You’re not giving up your truck. I’m not giving up my gas auger (although a new Strikemaster 40v would be nice!)

    The main point I am making is about my example with Xcel Energy. Again, it sounds like they are committing to clean energy because they feel they can do it cheaper, and also in response to consumer demand for it. In places like Colorado the mountain towns are demanding it from their utility companies. So Xcel is trying to get ahead of the curve, while others like the Platte River Power Authority are following suit.

    Just wake up and realize that you do have a voice in this. Regardless of whether or not Climate Change is real, doesn’t matter. If we can have cleaner air and water, and still keep our lifestyle I’m all for it.

    I agree we can all take steps to help. But do a little research what it takes to build and dispose of batteries from the 40v through a Prius. It’s terrible for the environment

    Posts: 346

    “But in this case, because a Democrat (Al Gore) largely championed the issue (or at least was one of the first to do it publicly), people on the other side will never take it seriously because the brand they’re loyal to says not to; and I’m sure it’s the same for some that blindly believe in it as well.”

    That is a pretty wide brush stroke.

    From my viewpoint the problem with Al Gore was that he did not walk the walk so to speak. His push for carbon taxes while he jet set across the U.S. and owned a huge home is a problem. Pushing carbon taxes so that those that can afford it can continue to live their life style while many folks struggle to pay their bills and then maybe have a carbon tax because they happened to live in an area that had goal power was my problem with Al Gore and the carbon tax, no my political persuasion.

    Of course now there is the great new green deal by the other side “Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work”, no more beef, planes, etc. Of course all of those on that side must be brand loyal also.

    And you wonder why some folks were not Al Gore fans and no not much of new green deal fans either.

    Oh and someone mentioned Excel. Why the heck is Excel advertising so much? They could better use the money on new energy and lowering the cost to current owners. It is not like those who have Excel as their energy provider have any choice in who their provider is. So there is no competition and Excel just blatantly gets push their agenda.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    I agree we can all take steps to help. But do a little research what it takes to build and dispose of batteries from the 40v through a Prius. It’s terrible for the environment

    Like I said…. I’m not giving up my truck toast

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    I agree we can all take steps to help. But do a little research what it takes to build and dispose of batteries from the 40v through a Prius. It’s terrible for the environment

    Like I said…. I’m not giving up my truck toast

    I’m with you toast

    Posts: 20

    All the global warming, proceeded by global cooling, climate change(global warming didn’t last) arguments are based on computer modeling. If you want to make money, garner research funds from taxpayers. Just write a computer program(or a movie script) that predicts an unpredictable natural disaster. Doesn’t matter if actual record keeping exists to support “your research”. Just tell the story enough times and some will believe. The Sun warms our planet.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Oh sweet I was wondering what I should do with my day. I’ll pull up a chair and grab a cold one

    Posts: 2596

    I travel extensively throughout western north America and love seeing and visiting glaciers. They are a long term barometer of overall temps and atmospheric composition. One glaring stat that is backed up by decades of photo evidence is that they are dramatically receding.

    Now that being said, I only care from the standpoint I love viewing glaciers. Why they are receding really makes no difference to me. It may concern other future generations, but I’ll be long gone before that happens. If future generations have a problem with my actions today, they can find my grave and urine on it.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    I hate the sale of those one serving plastics water bottles. Just saying.
    When a natural disaster happens why do they send those cases of small bottles instead of the the gallon jugs. Its politics I guess.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Oh sweet I was wondering what I should do with my day. I’ll pull up a chair and grab a cold one

    It’s either this or picking up winter dog poop.

    I’m still deciding. coffee

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Polars bears drowning , glaciers disappearing, coastal areas flooding the poles shifting , the climate is for sure changing .

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Polars bears drowning , glaciers disappearing, coastal areas flooding the poles shifting , the climate is for sure changing .

    Less dog poop in the spring too. yay

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Dog poop? More like dog poop mush! That’s definitely one thing I don’t miss.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Dog poop? More like dog poop mush! That’s definitely one thing I don’t miss.

    How’s the water level down there? Is it up to your doorstep yet?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I am a mile from salt. Bring on global warming so I can call my house beach front property.

    And I’m not in a flood zone, #winning.

    Posts: 2218

    When the big cases of bottle water come on sale, I usually buy upwards of 20 cases.

    Isn’t that what recycling is for?

    I do recycle the empty bottles.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Don Meier wrote:</div>
    Polars bears drowning , glaciers disappearing, coastal areas flooding the poles shifting , the climate is for sure changing .

    Less dog poop in the spring too. yay

    Come to my house more dogcrap than you can shake a stick at hah

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Who would have thought selling people water in a bottle would become a multi billion dollar business. Could you imagine if someone went on shark tank with that idea? It’d be a hard pass from them all.

    And most bottled water comes from a tap.

    That being said I liked Ice Mountain in MN and I love Zephyr Hills. But if it weren’t for my wife I wouldn’t be buying it and wasting my money. We go through 3-4 cases a week. #losing$

    Posts: 959

    I didn’t feel globally warmed this winter. It’s a scam!

    Another man made myth to generate billions in revenue for the ones who push that agenda.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>riverruns wrote:</div>
    When the big cases of bottle water come on sale, I usually buy upwards of 20 cases.

    Isn’t that what recycling is for?

    I do recycle the empty bottles.

    YEah. It’s all fun and games until manbearpig comes after you and your plastic.

    At least he has his family covered when Nestle or Coke comes to town and drain their aquifer dry. Then he can buy it back from them.

    Posts: 959

    So if global warming is a scam, is protecting our environment a scam too?


    Those in power love it when us pissants squabble about nonsense,like global warming. It keep our eyes off the ball, while the real money is going into those pockets that we’ll never get a peek into.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Non sequitur

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    Thanks Guys –
    I just googled myself into, logical fallacies, false dichotomy, etc.

    My freakin head is spinning now. crazy rotflol rotflol rotflol

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Identifying fallicies is a hobby of mine.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    The climate is always going through cycles and changes. It has been long before we were ever here to even think about recording it. What seems like huge swings in weather patterns to us is in actuality probably not much of anything . The earth has been there done that. As far as the environment in general. George nails it.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    The climate is always going through cycles and changes. It has been long before we were ever here to even think about recording it. What seems like huge swings in weather patterns to us is in actuality probably not much of anything . The earth has been there done that. As far as the environment in general. George nails it.

    <div class=”oembed-wrap”><div class=”fluid-width-video-wrapper” style=”padding-top: 75.0588%;”><iframe src=”; frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” id=”fitvid747907″></iframe></div></div>

    Was there 7 billion people producing ridiculous amounts of pollution and waste the last time we went through this type of ‘climate swing?’

    When has earth ‘done this’ before? Hoping to edumacate myself.

    I will side with the scientists who are spending the majority of their lives researching climate change. Everyone is welcome to believe the conservative agenda that just so happens to be heavily funded by the fossil fuel industry.

    Didn’t we used to have a popcorn eating smiley?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    Didn’t we used to have a popcorn eating smiley?

    We did, but it emitted too much C02.

    Posts: 803

    Baahahaha !

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