there is a lot of good science out there,and a lot of crap science.
find out who is writing their paychecks before you believe any of them.
as I have said before,we can harm our environment,when left alone nature rights our wrongs,many examples of this world wide.
we are powerless to affect climate,weather,volcanoes,the moon and suns pull on the earths gravitational field,sunspots etc.
if you take the time to look at how many meteorites have hit this old earth before man was here and the devastation they left behind as an example,man hasnt created anything that powerful yet,nor will he, yet the earth is still here and it still gets warm in summer and cold in winter.
one thing some overlook,man made a calendar and put dates on it that we live by and record things on those dates.
the earth and everything in and around it does not know what a calendar or normal is.
one other thought,everything man uses for fuel not counting nuclear energy came from the earth.
if the earth made them,it can handle them being consumed.