Climate Change

  • walleyebuster5
    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I’ll just fast forward this thread to where it’s really going to end anyways.

    MAGA BABY!! Lets burn some coal!

    yay yay yay yay yay yay yay

    I do love the discussion though.. As you were..

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    Coal is so 1919…. Get with the centuries devil

    I’ll just fast forward this thread to where it’s really going to end anyways.

    MAGA BABY!! Lets burn some coal!

    yay yay yay yay yay yay yay

    Posts: 3913

    in history class we were shown fossils of palm trees that grew in the far north where its covered in ice now.
    we were also shown pictures of wooly mammoths that had buttercups still in their mouth when they died from a sudden freeze up.
    it is also documented that the earths poles have changed places several times since the earth came to be.

    now our magnetic north and true north are separated by several miles and changing yearly by a good distance.
    we still have active volcanoes that spew every gas known to mankind daily.
    Mt St.Helens was recorded and reported to have blown more stuff into the air pollutant wise than the entire industrial revolution did during its 125 year run in one hour !!
    I remember all of the doom and gloom that was predicted to take one hundred years to correct after it was over,funny thing is,the next year that area and for several miles around it was greener than it had been in many years.

    the ice age ended what?? fifteen to twenty thousand years ago?? where was man when that happened?? no where,we didnt exist yet.
    can we harm our environment??? you bet we can !! can we affect weather and prevent the poles shifting?? NO.
    Earth is a planet that has a mind of its own and it is affected by forces beyond our control,get used to it.

    Posts: 300

    The climate is actually getting cooler. Sun approaching the maunder minimum so there is little sun spot activity which means a cooler sun. The Graph is of the US which has the majority of temperature readings in the world.

    1. Av-max-temps-at-all-us-stations.png

    Posts: 300

    Man made global warming (AGW) is a theory. There has been no empirical evidence of AGW in the last 30 years. an increase in CO2 does not increase the earths temperature. Its impossible because of Henry’s Law. Temperature increases FIRST then CO2 Increases. CO2 increase lags temp increase by about 700 years.
    Both sides agree that the ocean holds the vast majority of CO2. The above link is a 1:14 minute video disproving CO2 driving temp.

    Henry’s Law is a Law. AGW is a Theory. No scientist can create a model and add CO2 to increase the temperature. If they could it would be all over the news.

    Posts: 300


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719

    From my perspective:

    Besides being an avid angler, I also have held a Ham Radio license for over 50 years. The main thing that affects radio propagation is the Sun and the amount of radiation it emits. The Sun has an 11 year cycle of increasing and decreasing sunspots. The sunspots spew out huge amounts of radiation. I noticed long ago that it was cooler and wetter during sunspot peaks and hotter and dryer at the bottom of the cycle. The more sunspots, the cooler our weather was. The sunspot peak in 1958 was huge. Every cycle since then has been weaker. The clear trend is shorter sunspot peaks and fewer sunspots. So we have this huge gigantic engine in the middle of our solar system and it’s been clearly changing, and so is our weather.

    I’m always amused when someone points out an apparent trend towards colder weather and immediately gets a lesson on the difference between weather and climate. But then we have a Hurricane that hits Houston for one day and the climate change advocates all jump and down and say “See! Bad Hurricanes!”.


    Posts: 803

    Where the hell is Al Gore when we need him ?…LOL

    Posts: 420

    As usual with this topic, the stupidity mascarading as some kind of brilliant insight is amusing. #dunningkruger

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12918

    I’ll just fast forward this thread to where it’s really going to end anyways.

    MAGA BABY!! Lets burn some coal!

    yay yay yay yay yay yay yay

    I do love the discussion though.. As you were..

    well since i’m a union thug and our union works in the coal fired power plants…………..I whole heartly agree!!!!!!!!!!! waytogo yay yay yay

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>eelpoutguy wrote:</div>
    What was the average temp in MN on March 6 10,001 BC?

    I don’t know about MN, but here in WI they didn’t start writing things down yet. But the drawings over here on the cave walls look like this

    Are those bandings around her neck? Now, I know why the Saber Tooth disappeared. smash

    Do we have no effect on our environment?

    Posts: 6629

    in history class we were shown fossils of palm trees that grew in the far north where its covered in ice now.
    we were also shown pictures of wooly mammoths that had buttercups still in their mouth when they died from a sudden freeze up.
    it is also documented that the earths poles have changed places several times since the earth came to be.

    now our magnetic north and true north are separated by several miles and changing yearly by a good distance.
    we still have active volcanoes that spew every gas known to mankind daily.
    Mt St.Helens was recorded and reported to have blown more stuff into the air pollutant wise than the entire industrial revolution did during its 125 year run in one hour !!
    I remember all of the doom and gloom that was predicted to take one hundred years to correct after it was over,funny thing is,the next year that area and for several miles around it was greener than it had been in many years.

    the ice age ended what?? fifteen to twenty thousand years ago?? where was man when that happened?? no where,we didnt exist yet.
    can we harm our environment??? you bet we can !! can we affect weather and prevent the poles shifting?? NO.
    Earth is a planet that has a mind of its own and it is affected by forces beyond our control,get used to it.

    Ummmmmmm…… “Man” aka homosapiens were here during the last ice age…..

    Posts: 377

    The idea was invented by politicians so they could take your tax money and put it in they’re wallet. Green energy is just wealth distribution.

    If the planet actually warmed up the weather would stabilize.

    Posts: 3913

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>iowaboy1 wrote:</div>
    in history class we were shown fossils of palm trees that grew in the far north where its covered in ice now.
    we were also shown pictures of wooly mammoths that had buttercups still in their mouth when they died from a sudden freeze up.
    it is also documented that the earths poles have changed places several times since the earth came to be.

    now our magnetic north and true north are separated by several miles and changing yearly by a good distance.
    we still have active volcanoes that spew every gas known to mankind daily.
    Mt St.Helens was recorded and reported to have blown more stuff into the air pollutant wise than the entire industrial revolution did during its 125 year run in one hour !!
    I remember all of the doom and gloom that was predicted to take one hundred years to correct after it was over,funny thing is,the next year that area and for several miles around it was greener than it had been in many years.

    the ice age ended what?? fifteen to twenty thousand years ago?? where was man when that happened?? no where,we didnt exist yet.
    can we harm our environment??? you bet we can !! can we affect weather and prevent the poles shifting?? NO.
    Earth is a planet that has a mind of its own and it is affected by forces beyond our control,get used to it.

    Ummmmmmm…… “Man” aka homosapiens were here during the last ice age…..

    would love to have a civil discussion on this if you are talking about what is being taught as the ape to man bit.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12246

    Better sell that pickup and stop burning all that gas/diesel planting food plots. Also, register them guns! I think youve been working with too many millennials my man.

    I see. I’m supposed to deny all science because if I don’t, the government will take away my F150, my tractor, and ban White Dutch Clover (damn Europeans). At that point, you’re saying, I’ll be forced to drive a Ranger or a Canyon and, well, screw the planet, a Ranger is a step too far!

    You’d better be nice to those millennials, my man. The problem with those damn kids is they’ll be the ones changing your adult diaper in the old folks home. And pushing your wheelchair when they take you out of the home along that hilly path to get some fresh air…


    Posts: 6629

    (Iowaboy) I’m not touching that with a 10′ dipsey rod….. waytogo

    Ahren Wagner
    Northern ND-MN
    Posts: 410

    X2 on what Grouse said!

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>FryDog62 wrote:</div>
    The Northeast US has been colder than usual the last few years, and even Phoenix has been unseasonably cold this winter.

    Becoming hard to listen to the global warming argument anymore or is it just me?

    It’s just you. It’s just you cherry picking facts to get the answer you want to hear.

    You are pointing to weather anomalies, not climate changes. Just because the average daytime high temp in MN in February is 31 doesn’t mean that every day below 31 is proof that the Earth isn’t warming.

    The reality is that 2015 was the warmest year on record period. 2016-2018 were all years that had average temperatures above the long-term average. 2006–2015 was the warmest decade on record. Global average surface temperature has risen at an average rate of 0.15°F per decade since 1900.


    Posts: 699

    I’m looking forward to snook fishing along the Minnesota gulf coast. peace

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3413

    It amazes me how many people don’t know the difference between climate and weather.

    Posts: 2218

    You’d better be nice to those millennials, my man. The problem with those damn kids is they’ll be the ones changing your adult diaper in the old folks home. And pushing your wheelchair when they take you out of the home along that hilly path to get some fresh air…

    And so be it. Just like every other generation that came along. We all took care of each other.

    We are to bow to millennial generation for the sake of a diaper change along a hilly path for fresh air?

    Posts: 56

    I’m with you Randy Wieland, we need to quit polluting our soil and ecosystems with all this salt and chemicals!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    The planet is approx 3.5 to 4 billion yrs old.

    65 million years ago the upper midwest was a tropical forest inhabited by dinosaurs.

    10 million years ago there was a 5,000 foot thick sheet of ice covering Minnesota. (Yes a mile thick) Last ice age.

    Humans first appear appox 3 million yrs ago.

    Civilized life 2,000 to 4,000 years. (Up for argument)

    Accurate Weather records in the US. Less than 400 years.

    Humans have no frigg’n clue what climate change is. Or better said have no control to change it.

    Think of it this way. If you tracked weather from the beginning of earth till now. And laid a tape measure from St Paul to Los Angeles. The time humans have actually tracked weather would measure less than an inch.

    Earth history would indicate it will get warm in the future and also very cold. How humans adapt is the only question. Anyone who want to argue is bad a math.

    Edit – Personal opinion. The biggest problem for humans is not climate. It is population. Too many people for this little ball floating around in space to support. Eventually, mother nature will take care of that problem. Mother nature seems to always win. But I have only been watching things for a mere 50 years. Math would indicate I am also clueless….


    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    The planet is approx 3.5 to 4 billion yrs old.

    65 million years ago the upper midwest was a tropical forest inhabited by dinosaurs.

    10 million years ago there was a 5,000 foot thick sheet of ice covering Minnesota. (Yes a mile thick) Last ice age.

    Humans first appear appox 3 million yrs ago.

    Civilized life 2,000 to 4,000 years. (Up for argument)

    Accurate Weather records in the US. Less than 400 years.

    Humans have no frigg’n clue what climate change is. Or better said have no control to change it.

    Think of it this way. If you tracked weather from the beginning of earth till now. And laid a tape measure from St Paul to Los Angeles. The time humans have actually tracked weather would measure less than an inch.

    Earth history would indicate it will get warm in the future and also very cold. How humans adapt is the only question. Anyone who want to argue is bad a math.


    I think this deserves a final mic drop!

    Posts: 2218

    The planet is approx 3.5 to 4 billion yrs old.

    65 million years ago the upper midwest was a tropical forest inhabited by dinosaurs.

    10 million years ago there was a 5,000 foot thick sheet of ice covering Minnesota. (Yes a mile thick) Last ice age.

    Humans first appear appox 3 million yrs ago.

    Civilized life 2,000 to 4,000 years. (Up for argument)

    Accurate Weather records in the US. Less than 400 years.

    Humans have no frigg’n clue what climate change is. Or better said have no control to change it.

    Think of it this way. If you tracked weather from the beginning of earth till now. And laid a tape measure from St Paul to Los Angeles. The time humans have actually tracked weather would measure less than an inch.

    Earth history would indicate it will get warm in the future and also very cold. How humans adapt is the only question. Anyone who want to argue is bad a math.

    Edit – Personal opinion. The biggest problem for humans is not climate. It is population. Too many people for this little ball floating around in space to support. Eventually, mother nature will take care of that problem. Mother nature seems to always win. But I have only been watching things for a mere 50 years. Math would indicate I am also clueless….


    applause waytogo toast

    And I put 28 gallons of Diesel in my 2006 MAGA wave cab Dodge Diesel tonight. NO choice. It needs diesel.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22038

    And I put 28 gallons of Diesel in my 2006 MAGA wave cab Dodge Diesel tonight. NO choice. It needs diesel.


    Dont feel bad. The work truck took 75 gallons today. Plus 175 in the generator

    Wright County
    Posts: 3120

    And I put 28 gallons of Diesel in my 2006 MAGA wave cab Dodge Diesel tonight. NO choice. It needs diesel.

    Why does everyone hate on diesel so much? Its more efficient than gas…

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12918

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>TheFamousGrouse wrote:</div>
    You’d better be nice to those millennials, my man. The problem with those damn kids is they’ll be the ones changing your adult diaper in the old folks home. And pushing your wheelchair when they take you out of the home along that hilly path to get some fresh air…

    And so be it. Just like every other generation that came along. We all took care of each other.

    We are to bow to millennial generation for the sake of a diaper change along a hilly path for fresh air?

    hey, I changed there diapers, it’s there turn eventually! waytogo whistling

    Posts: 2687

    Earth is a planet that has a mind of its own and it is affected by forces beyond our control,get used to it.


    How big is the sample size from the beginning of the planet give or take whether you’re a big bang or creationist person, from when we’ve been keeping records, 150 years-ish or less? Pretty small sample size. If the globe is going to correct itself, it’s going to correct itself. It’ll keep spinning, our comfort level will drastically change causing who knows what kind of issues for food, water and resources for mankind to survive. When that happens, most people aren’t going to care about much other than their grumbling tummy and how cold they are or aren’t and where their water source is going to come from.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4323

    As soon as everyone figures out how to fix the climate/weather let me know. Otherwise everyone is just p!$$!ng and moaning. whistling

    Posts: 811

    What melted 2.5 mile thick ice sheets that extended all the way from the arctic to what is now Missouri in regular intervals over the last several hundred thousand years?? Probably the same macro climate forces in play today as they’ve been over millennium.

    Some ice core research into these regular periods of glacialization showed rising CO2 and global temps were followed by a very rapid global temp crash that began the new ice age. We’re talking the earth suddenly being thrown into a new glacial period in as little as decades after a long period of global warming. If history repeats itself, I’m more fearful, not of global warming, but that ‘winter’ is coming…a 10,000 year long winter.

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