Are the yellows done?

  • dandrews
    Jesup, Iowa
    Posts: 158

    Was wondering if anyone had any reports on the yellow bass? I had heard things were slow and spawn was done. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    Largemouth Bass. Smallmouth Bass. Whites Wipers Stripers. Rockbass. Whats a Yellowbass in IOWA.? …rrr

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    A very close cousin to the whitebass, They have a yellow hue to them and look like a whitebass but don’t get as big. They are in some of the lakes in northern Iowa but only a few from what I know. Thier lateral lines are the same or very similar to a whitebass.

    Garnavillo Iowa
    Posts: 542

    I’ve been. Fishing in southern iowa for about a month I’ve only caught 1 yellow bass in a month of fishing crappies had vast of spawn structure overun I belive yellows may be spawning. In deeper water or allready spawned out crappies just moved off beds this week and male gills are moving in I’ve neen fishing by omaha though

    Garnavillo Iowa
    Posts: 542

    P.S Same lake last year was every cast a yellow.bass

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    They are spawning but i don’t think they are done yet. I’m headed to clear lake in the am to give it a try i’ll let you know how it goes. The yellow bass are alot like white bass just smaller and they are way better tasting. And at least in Iowa there is no limit on them because the dnr would like to make them extict. They don’t do well in most lakes or ponds they out compete other fish and multiply fast and become stunted easily. The IDNR has had to draw down and kill off many lakes because of illigal stocking of this fish.

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    A very close cousin to the whitebass, They have a yellow hue to them and look like a whitebass but don’t get as big. They are in some of the lakes in northern Iowa but only a few from what I know. Thier lateral lines are the same or very similar to a whitebass.

    ..THANK YOU …….rrr

    Posts: 251

    Yellows Is like m n eye?? Whats a Yellowbass? Maybe thats a Iowa perch??? :rotflmao;

    Posts: 251

    Thanks for the info,, well I learned something today..

    North Central Iowa
    Posts: 11

    You can catch yellows all year long in Clear Lake. Fun to catch, good to eat. Check at the bait shop to see where they are biting. Good Luck.

    eldora, iowa
    Posts: 426

    There yesterday around the island. Bobber and minnow or small jig. Not as fast as before but still 15 males swarming a female in the shallows.
    Any carp shooters need to head to the weeds by the Baptist camp.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    …and I thought we were talking morels to start…


    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    Fished today and had about 130 by 11:30 then the wind was bad enough I had enough. All were nice big fish today! Some areas have a ton of small 5″ fish so you have to move till you find better size, usually not to far though. And next time I’ll bring my bow the carp were all over the shore line. Good Luck!

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