Cleaning up an old motor help

  • traumatized
    eastern iowa
    Posts: 362

    I bought a 1953 Johnson 5 1/2 hp motor over the weekend. I bought this just for decoration. It is in pretty good shape but I would really like to clean it up. What cleaners can I use to really clean up the paint and decals without ruining them. I did wash it down with warm water and Dawn. But still looks a little dinghy. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    SOS pads and rub lightly at first, no heavy pressure until needed.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    SOS pads and rub lightly at first, no heavy pressure until needed.

    NOOOOOOOO. Nothing that abrasive.

    Clean thoroughly and then use loght polishing compound like Maguires 50.


    south metro
    Posts: 636

    Simple green and a paint brush to clean and de grease it.

    Posts: 534

    Be careful with Simple Green “Green” it will discolor aluminum if left on to long. They make a “Purple” version that is safe for all metals.

    I use the “Purple” diluted in my ultrasonic cleaner. Here is a picture of the carbs after cleaning for 20 minutes in the ultrasonic. This is 1986 Merc. The rest of the motor was cleaned with “Purple” and tooth brush.

    1. 20170221_105100-1.jpg

    2. 20170221_105100.jpg

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I had a feeling you’d get the right advice here, Mine was old school and I would also go with simple green as I didn’t even know about it. SOS pads? ya they would work but you’d have to be careful. I’ve had a few of those older motors and some are in pretty good shape but still have oxidation and SOS pads would take that off, but again you’d have to scrub lightly to see how much of the oxidation comes off. Maybe 4 OT steel wool with Dawn would do the job. But the simple green with a toothbrush sounds like the best way to go to begin with. Be careful around the decals with any cleaner.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13402

    Sweet motor. Used to run one of those when i first started fishing the croix. Seem to remember early 50s was one color. Late 50s another. Light red or light blue/green?

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Cool motor! Is it original Forest green paint? I have a 58′, which is white and red.

    eastern iowa
    Posts: 362

    Yes, it’s the light green, nice looking motor, turns over when pulled. I just want to clean it up and put it in the man cave. Thanks for all the help. I believe the late 50’s were the dark red color.

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