Cleaning Lowrance Hook 9 Screen

  • Jamison Wells
    Posts: 6

    Hey what do you guys use to clean the screens on your lowrance units? I just bought the Hook 9 and wanted to clean the screen, not sure what I’m supposed to use to clean it.

    Posts: 292

    Sulphuric acid whistling

    I have used windex on Hbirds with no issues.

    Posts: 776

    I get screen cleaner from walmart

    Posts: 1148

    dish soap and water mixed in a spray bottle works pretty good.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Just like on a boat a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water is good for water spots.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Give this a try
    It’s beyound unblievable.
    Game some to a pro walleye guy once, he showed it to some of his competitors and he later told me everyone of them bought it
    I’ve let many friends try it and the couldn’t beleive thier eyes.
    Not trying to sell the stuff, it’s just unreal how well and effortless it is

    I do have to say the bottles I got were of a diffezrent size and can’t locate them anymore
    Hope they didn’t change anything

    Anyhow, just thought I’d share

    Let us know if you or anyone tries it

    Posts: 655

    CLR and water in a spray bottle will remove water spots from the screen. It will also clean them off your boat in heavier concentrate. You will need to wax your boat after as it will take any wax off as well. I learned to use it on fishfinder screens from a professional bass pro video but couldnt find much about it on the web. It makes my screens look new and gets all the water spots off the merc.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Just like on a boat a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water is good for water spots.

    X3, but I use more water less vinegar. More like a 25% vinegar/75% water. It has worked great for years.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2027

    Just like on a boat a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water is good for water spots.


    Posts: 9417

    Sulphuric acid whistling

    I have used windex on Hbirds with no issues.

    Windex is fine, just make sure it’s the multi surface (vinegar) or crystal rain variety… Both are ammonia free. Regular Windex contains ammonia which can and will ruin LCD screens. I’m not saying it will ruin it immediately, but over time will cause damage.

    I use 50/50 vinegar and distilled water mix to wipe down screens, motor, and hull. It’s simple, works great, won’t ruin anything, and dirt cheap. Why use anything else?

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