Cleaning Concrete?

  • bassh8er
    Posts: 200

    I’ve got an unfinished basement and that had 2 labs living in it for about 3 years and both labs passed away in the last few months.

    Over the years, and especially recently when they got older, they would tend to poop down there and even pee, a very few times. I cleaned it up as soon as I saw it, but there is a smell in the basement that doesn’t necessarily smell like urine, but does smell like pet.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on products or techniques to clean the concrete and take care of the pet smell?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    I can send you a couple different products and then I suggest sealing it after

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Unfortunately, concrete is porous and absorbed a verity of hair oil, urine, and so on.

    For mild stuff, I’ve had good results with Dawn Ultra dish soap. If it’s worse than what the dawn can extract, then I would follow the recommendations of The concrete guys here. Just follow the recommendations on venting and a mask with chemicals. Additionally, some people mix products that can react and create toxic fumes. Don’t mix what you don’t know

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    Dawn dish soap does work wonders. But it’ll be important to seal the slab. Otherwise dog pee will come back one random day when you carpet or hardwood the floor and turn a fan on. Sealing will encapsulate all the toxins so they can’t be released

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1007

    For spot cleaning get something like Woolite pet carpet cleaner or other product that has enzymes in it that break down the urine, etc. Follow the directions and let it soak in for several minutes before wiping it up. Even pets with their “super sniffers” don’t smell anything after this has been used. If you want to do a whole-basement cleaning, look for a floor cleaning product labeled for Pet Cleaning for rug/floor cleaning machines.

    Posts: 200

    Dawn dish soap does work wonders. But it’ll be important to seal the slab. Otherwise dog pee will come back one random day when you carpet or hardwood the floor and turn a fan on. Sealing will encapsulate all the toxins so they can’t be released

    Thanks for the suggestion; I’ll try that this weekend.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3546

    Try using Tide the dry stuff and work it in good with broom or scuffing with your shoes. It works wonders to get oil and not bad on rust stains out of concrete in my garage and front pad.

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