Cinnamon Phase Turkey

  • Jeffrey Trapp
    Milbank, SD
    Posts: 303

    This story actually started last year. I shot my tom with my bow and two toms came and beat on him pretty good. While I watched them I noticed they looked different than most turkeys I have ever seen. They had a lot more rust color to them. This year I was hunting with a good buddy and we had seen lots of birds but none came into the decoys. We had 2 toms come into 30ish yards to our side and they skirted behind us. They proceeded to go into the field and go confront 2 toms that had been strutting out in the field. They got chased off and the other two dominant toms got fired up. As we were watching them chase each other a hen walked right in front of us and into the field. That got the dominant toms attention and they came to investigate our decoys. They came right into the decoys but must have seen me draw. As they were walking away I drilled one and actually cut the top of his heart off. I am hoping all the pictures post. The first picture is the toms standing over my bird last year and then a few from this year.

    1. Turkey.jpg

    2. turkey1.jpg

    3. turkey2.jpg

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12469

    Real cool looking bird. The coloring does look a little different.

    Posts: 1284

    It’s a cool color we have taken a few in Missouri too. Great pictures and congrats.

    Posts: 175

    Shot this cinnamon phased Jake a few years back.

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    Jeffrey Trapp
    Milbank, SD
    Posts: 303

    Thank you! I am going to get the fan and wings mounted on a frame.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1894

    I got this one on may 21st ’21 in washington county MN. I always thought he had different colored feathers, a little lighter than normal. He was one of 2 toms hanging out in the field every day. I saw them many times and I could always make him out with the more light brown feathers. Not sure if he qualifies as a cinnamon turkey or not.

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