Christmas Lake UPDATE, Ice Fishing ACCESS???

  • carroll58
    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    UPDATE, Current Conditions:

    Original Post:

    Stopped by Christmas Lake Access this morning to see if anything had been done as we were told shortly after the Access was closed for the Rapid Response plan to try and get rid of the Zebra Mussels.

    Well, the Water Curtain is still in place, Now FROZEN into the Lake Ice stretched across the bay after they moved it when they found additional Zebra Mussels outside the initial containment area.

    The Concrete Ramp Slabs still sit there as they have since they were delivered to the site. The Gate and Barricades are still in place, although it appears from tracks in the snow and the condition of the Ice that someone had been in the access area yesterday with a large truck or other equipment. The ice had been broken, but had Frozen again overnight.

    Still no word on reopening the access, nor if they’ll have it open for Ice Fishing which should upset a number of people.

    They Water Curtain Barrier as I said is still in place, frozen in the ice, yet there is open water just beyond the curtain. Being a Deep Lake with Springs, it will be a few weeks before it is completely frozen.

    Latest from MCWD Nov 5th:

    City of Shorewood:

    I would suggest calls & emails to the City of Shorewood & the Minnesota DNR requesting immediate action to get the water curtain out and the access open for Ice Fishing Access.

    With the water curtain in-place, it will likely create a weak spot for those driving out and become a hazard.

    City of Shorewood contacts:
    Bill Joynes, City Administrator, 952.960.7905
    Jean Panchyshyn, City Clerk 952.960.7911
    Park & Recreation Coordinator Twila Grout, 952.960.7902

    City Council contacts:

    DNR Contact:
    DNR Central Office
    500 Lafayette Road
    St. Paul, MN 55155-4040
    (651) 296-6157
    (888) 646-6367
    [email protected]
    TTY: (651) 296-5484 or (800) 657-3929

    Commissioner: Tom Landwehr
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: 651/259-5022

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    Posts: 42

    Any news on this?

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