Christmas in August

  • eyeguy507
    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    So instead of the get together, who wants to set up a road trip the Red lake Rez? mrgreen

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    Tried to grab some groceries at lunch today….

    1. 7ufjg9.jpg

    Posts: 1285

    IMO, the biggest effects will be for the current users…they will no longer be doing something that is “illegal”. I thonk the average person is not going to notice much if any impacts from this new law.

    Much ado about nothing. Personally – I didn’t care if you smoked before, and I still don’t….lol Too many people are too worked up about things that don’t concern them.

    Posts: 5321

    Don’t you think those companies would love to go more automated anyway?
    I don’t know that MJ is going to be a big influence on them going in that direction.

    No I don’t think they care one way or another, it’s whatever the #s tell em to do, and this will push those #s in that direction imo

    Truly hope I’m wrong

    Posts: 24966

    Wait until you see the jobs eliminated by AI. Its already happening.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Wait until you see the jobs eliminated by AI. Its already happening.

    I’m sorry but I just couldn’t resist.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1892

    I think the rates for said products at a dispensary are ridiculous. If you got a buddy you fish with that can still hook you up, you might be better going that direction. Seems like state run dispensaries charges full retail, at least the ones in Illinois do anyway jester

    Posts: 3319

    That guy has it all figured out Biggill! doah

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12734

    I could care less if its legal or not legal. All this is the Government wanting to get their share of the cut off the sale of it. As of now I agree that far less damage is done to society by pot heads than by alcoholics. Rather that will change by making it legal and more accessible or not, Only time will tell.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    That is funny as hell Biggill.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    And I still can’t pick up beer at a grocery store or gas station?

    Posts: 6687

    As of now I agree that far less damage is done to society by pot heads than by alcoholics.

    I’ll go further. Society loves the revenue of liquor. Any town event the money is from beer sales. Maximize the money…typically benefits the town. Cops stay at the festivities and absolutely limit DWIs to situations that require it. Like accidents.
    So, we gather as many local people as we can and pump as much beer into them as they’ll buy and let them drive away.
    Currie, Tiny town in Murray County brings in a band. Shuts down the street. Pulls all cops into the block and they stay until the crowd is dispursed. It’s the way it is. My bro works for the county. I did the math on how much money it took in one year. Divided by population and said… that’s about 300 people over the limit guaranteed. Yup. That’s alcohol culture. Culture is established through habit. Eventually when asked why you do it that way, because we always have. Yeah. Alcohol is a problem on the highway. Gummies will be also. But, you would’ve realized that impact the past year.
    Flower is now legal. Really betting for the most part your not going to notice much besides the dumb and reckless being dumb and reckless and letting you know they’re smoking a bowl too versus prior concealing such contraband.

    So I do giggle over the concern for weed. Driving tired is worse. Idiots are idiots regardless of what they consume and will continue to be reckless.

    Not here to convince you of anything. But do like poking at how comfortable we’ve truly become on relying on people to drive drunk to fund most all public gatherings. Especially when the topic is about the evil fish whistle. rotflol

    Happy August 1.
    That AI video is hilarious.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    If ya’ll are worried about people on the roads you should worry more about cell phones. I bet they cause more accidents than alcohol and pot combined.

    Posts: 950

    The mayhem has already started just as I figured. Went to the store and the chip aisle was just about empty.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    Wait until you see the jobs eliminated by AI. Its already happening.

    can’t wait to see AI pulling wire/cable and designing all the elaborate systems we install………..we could use the help.

    Been hearing for a decade about how wireless was going to put me out of work. wireless is actually more wiring. going to retire on a bag the way things are shaping up!

    Posts: 24966

    can’t wait to see AI pulling wire/cable and designing all the elaborate systems we install………..we could use the help.

    AI wont replace the trades, but its already replaced a bunch of Marketing people because it learned what they did daily and programmed itself to do it in minutes. Ive seen a bunch of videos of what its already capable of (aside from eliminating someone’s job) and its quite terrifying actually.

    Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1102

    I have been experimenting with AI since the beginning of the year, ChatGPT specifically. Trust me, I am not worried about losing my job to AI.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1088

    So if a drug dog keys on your car can you refuse to let them search it because the dog was smelling the marijuana not the 50 kilos of Canadian fun powder in back. Do we need to retrain all the drug dogs?

    This was talked about on the news this morning. They mentioned some drug dogs are being retired early, or becoming strictly patrol dogs as a way to finish out their service, because they can not reliably retrain them to start avoiding pot. They also said some departments in MN were already training new dogs in preparation for this.

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