Red Lake dispensary opens at 11am this morning, when I got here there were already 30 people in line, its like Black Friday. They have a Caramel Cream strain I want to smoke.
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Christmas in August
August 1, 2023 at 10:05 am #2216778
Seems like a big risk for an avid hunter or gun enthusiast.
Yep, too risky for this guy. I value my firearms (and privilege to hunt with them) too much to risk a run in with the law. That, and it was already against my employer’s health policy to begin with, so no change there.
Its going to be up to local authorities on where you can smoke it. Each city is working on that. As of right now it can’t be done in locations where using tobacco is against the rules.
Gitchi Gummi
Posts: 3413August 1, 2023 at 10:11 am #2216780And in my opinion, anyone using this crap or who smokes period is a dumb ass.
I’m assuming you feel the same way about people who use alcohol, right? If not, please explain.
August 1, 2023 at 10:18 am #2216782They have a Caramel Cream strain I want to smoke.
Since were neighbors, what time should I swing by?
August 1, 2023 at 10:21 am #2216784I’m going with an old t-shirt I had.
God made grass, man made booze.
Who do you trust?MX1825
Posts: 3319August 1, 2023 at 10:22 am #2216785This is being pushed through solely for the $$$$ involved for the politicians to spend.
This will have ramifications on anyone with a CDL. Many companies have a policy in place that any accident (no matter how small) there is a mandatory drug test. If you fail for drugs or alcohol loss of employment usually follows. A trace is all it takes and unlike alcohol MJ stays in your system much longer.LabDaddy1
Posts: 2816August 1, 2023 at 10:24 am #2216786Maybe testing should be a pre-requistite to buying a gun or getting the carry permit. Maybe those with current permits should have to submit to random, un-announced testing, since the feds do the background checks. I’d be fine with that.
And in my opinion, anyone using this crap or who smokes period is a dumb ass.
Congratulations on your opinion!
You can’t see us but we are all applauding you behind our screens!
Posts: 1204August 1, 2023 at 10:24 am #2216787Years ago I was looking into an AR with a pistol brace for shotgun zone. Have seen others doing it and was weighing my options. Called the local dnr officer since the ATF recently changed a ruling about pistol braces and was told state game and fish laws trump federal laws and a braced AR was still considered a rifle according to him. So with the whole pot and guns thing now who really knows. I doubt local law enforcement even knows.
August 1, 2023 at 10:42 am #2216788This will have ramifications on anyone with a CDL. Many companies have a policy in place that any accident (no matter how small) there is a mandatory drug test. If you fail for drugs or alcohol loss of employment usually follows. A trace is all it takes and unlike alcohol MJ stays in your system much longer.
This law doesnt change company policies. If companies had a no smoke policy in place before its still in place today. If the government says you can light up all you want and your company says you cant your employment status goes off the company rules – same as always. If a CDL driver thinks he can now smoke to his hearts content despite his company policy, well then, as Jimmy Jones would say, hes a dumbass
Jimmy Jones
Posts: 3195August 1, 2023 at 10:45 am #2216791If you get drunk you shouldn’t have a gun
And that’s exactly what your concealed carry regs says.
August 1, 2023 at 10:46 am #2216792<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>MX1825 wrote:</div>
This will have ramifications on anyone with a CDL. Many companies have a policy in place that any accident (no matter how small) there is a mandatory drug test. If you fail for drugs or alcohol loss of employment usually follows. A trace is all it takes and unlike alcohol MJ stays in your system much longer.This law doesnt change company policies. If companies had a no smoke policy in place before its still in place today. If the government says you can light up all you want and your company says you cant your employment status goes off the company rules – same as always. If a CDL driver thinks he can now smoke to his hearts content despite his company policy, well then, as Jimmy Jones would say, hes a dumbass
That’s a completely different topic I would think
August 1, 2023 at 10:47 am #2216793<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
If you get drunk you shouldn’t have a gunAnd that’s exactly what your concealed carry regs says.
So we all just need to use common sense. Which I think we would all agree on.
August 1, 2023 at 10:57 am #2216798<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
If you get drunk you shouldn’t have a gunAnd that’s exactly what your concealed carry regs says.
Alcohol is not a controlled substance as defined by the ATF. Most people can have one drink containing alcohol without being “drunk” or over the limit, but one hit of marijuana can easily make someone “high” or otherwise impaired.
It makes logical sense to avoid using firearms while intoxicated by either subtance, but the ATF notice says individuals using marijuana are prohibited from POSSESSING firearms and ammo. Not just “using”, but “possessing”. This is the wording that should give us pause. If we swap out firearms with vehicles in this wording that’s like the ATF saying you can’t own a vehicle if you use marijuana, which is silly.
Posts: 12741August 1, 2023 at 10:58 am #2216800WARNING!!!
Please everyone stay off the roads today. Between the pot heads and the zipper merges it’s going to be pandemonium.August 1, 2023 at 11:00 am #2216802WARNING!!!
Please everyone stay off the roads today. Between the pot heads and the zipper merges it’s going to be pandemonium.Pot heads trying to zipper merge will be miles of back ups
Posts: 1822August 1, 2023 at 11:06 am #2216803So if a drug dog keys on your car can you refuse to let them search it because the dog was smelling the marijuana not the 50 kilos of Canadian fun powder in back. Do we need to retrain all the drug dogs?
Posts: 12741August 1, 2023 at 11:06 am #2216804Or maybe the complete opposite cuz they won’t be all road raged trying to stop the actual zipper merge.
I will go investigate for the safety of all folks on IDO.
Posts: 12741August 1, 2023 at 11:07 am #2216805So if a drug dog keys on your car can you refuse to let them search it because the dog was smelling the marijuana not the 50 kilos of Canadian fun powder in back. Do we need to retrain all the drug dogs?
Why would you refuse if you have a legal amount.
Posts: 1822August 1, 2023 at 11:10 am #2216807I’m in favor of legalization, but to say there will be no effect is just not fact.
Thanks Joe – another part of my reply.
People are of the mindset it “already exists and everybody does it so why not” which is not the point. Yes it does and yes people do but there are other considerations and trickle down effects we DO NOT know yet or have NO ANSWERS to ( like a test to determine if you are stoned and driving like we have for alcohol)
I smoked and did a lot of other things in my younger days. Today’s weed is far more potent than what i had. It has already been discussed on another thread how “high” someone got with a gummie not knowing enough about the content of said gummie. Wait’ll the kids start getting ahold of these gummies.
Not trying to be an antagonist. I just think this is a another example of government stepping in to “fix” a problem that did not need fixing. And telling us how much revenue we could generate in the process. Oh, but not telling us how much expense will come w addtl enforcement, medical treatment, oversight, management of “legitimate” businesses and permitting and time spent hammering out laws and responses to the inevitable issues….
I will probably never get stoned again. Don’t care if you do – that’s not my point. Have at it and have fun. We jumped into this with both feet knowing there was a downside but knowing how “down” it was.
We will see I guess – I am just not as convinced as some that it is a good idea is all.Jimmy Jones
Posts: 3195August 1, 2023 at 11:22 am #2216811Alcohol is not a controlled substance as defined by the ATF. Most people can have one drink containing alcohol without being “drunk” or over the limit, but one hit of marijuana can easily make someone “high” or otherwise impaired.
You’re absolutely correct. However, it is against the law [and the tenets of the concealed carry] to possess a firearm and the permit at the same time if one is found to be legally intoxicated for any reason. And there are people who can look and act perfectly normal and still be legally intoxicated.
Here in Rochester a number of years ago there was a guy with a pistol and permit that attempted a citizen’s arrest using his pistol on a visitor to the city who got confused with traffic signage and was entering an off-limits area [fireworks display]. Said nummie was under the influence legally but not displaying any indications of being drunk. He was arrested, lost the permit and the gun.
I agree with the Fed’s stance on the dope and alcohol regarding the permits to carry. While I believe that most card carriers are responsible, I also think that this new law will show people not meaning to be buzzed but are so getting into more problems than what we currently see today.
Cars and concealed carry permits and guns are definitely two separate issues, but I believe down the road that the two will see more blending as the dope becomes more and more of a driving problem. And it will happen.
August 1, 2023 at 11:32 am #2216815However, it is against the law [and the tenets of the concealed carry] to possess a firearm and the permit at the same time if one is found to be legally intoxicated for any reason. And there are people who can look and act perfectly normal and still be legally intoxicated.
I guess the word “possess” could be clarified here. The ATF is saying anyone using marijuana cannot possess firearms or ammo. I took that to mean you cannot own them or have them in your house. Do they simply mean that it’s unlawful to have firearms and ammo on your person at the same time as you’re using marijuana? That’s simple common sense and very reasonable and if that’s all they mean then I’m fine with that wording.
Posts: 12741August 1, 2023 at 11:32 am #2216816I don’t think there’s a legal amount of cocaine in posession.
You asked if you can refuse.
A. No
B. If you have a legal amount MJ why would you refuse.August 1, 2023 at 11:33 am #2216817Honest question here. Does ANYONE know anybody who got a DUI strictly for smoking the Devils Lettuce? I know of a few who have received possession tickets while driving, but have never heard of a DUI coming from it. Genuinely curious.
August 1, 2023 at 11:35 am #2216818It’s hard for me to believe the stats from Colorado pertaining auto crashes and deaths when they don’t even have a way to measure one’s intoxication level with mj…… just because it’s in one’s system doesn’t mean they’re impaired.
How can they claim mj had any effect at all if the intoxication levels in a person are unknown?
Are there other factors that played into the increases that aren’t being disclosed?August 1, 2023 at 11:58 am #2216826I see nothing really changing here. People who smoke/grow weed will do so legally now.
People who don’t are probably not going out and starting now.
People who have been driving stoned will probably keep driving stoned. People who don’t drive stoned probably will not start driving stoned.
August 1, 2023 at 12:18 pm #2216829Big “who gives a sh**” for me. If you smoke and it doesn’t impact me, enjoy. If you rip gummies like candy and it doesn’t impact me, enjoy.
Personally I cannot stand the smell of it smoked (even good stuff). Gummies give me a pounding headache. Neither have or ever will appeal to me.
Posts: 5307August 1, 2023 at 12:26 pm #2216832Low level management will take a beating imo trying to figure out how to keep low level paying job employees engaged. The growing spectrum of autism/add/adhd generations are getting to working age which is difficult enough, throw on the fact they could be high won’t be surprised at some point many of the bigger companies go more and more to automated systems. That’s not a dig on any folks w those conditions but the cumulative effect of all them together will be daunting for employers to deal with.
Posts: 12741August 1, 2023 at 12:40 pm #2216835Don’t you think those companies would love to go more automated anyway?
I don’t know that MJ is going to be a big influence on them going in that direction.CaptainMusky
Posts: 24606August 1, 2023 at 12:48 pm #2216836Well Im extremely disappointed in MN. I was just out for lunch and I didnt smell baby skunks anywhere. Do better.
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