So last year my starting battery drained while running my aerator and graph, and left me floating on the lake. That battery was likely old and weak to begin with, but since I’ve recently upgraded to an HDS Live, and will be running an Elite 12 at the bow, I’m wanting to make sure I have enough juice for a day out on the water… I think all the accessories will be drawing between 6-8amps per hour at full capacity.
My Alumacraft has a group 24 starting motor. I *think* I can fit a group 27 if I replace the battery tray.
My boat has an Etec 90, and is outfitted with onboard 2-bank charger for the trolling motor batteries, and a Minn Kota Alternator connecting the start battery to charge the trolling motor batteries when the Outboard engine is running.
Questions I have:
I’m considering buying a dedicated battery for the graphs only. How could this be set up to charge when the Outboard is running? Parallel with the start battery? Or do guys just charge that battery at the end of the day?
Is there a recommended solution for a combination start/graph battery?
I would consider Lithium, so that’s an option too.