Rush Lake

  • RobGoodin
    Posts: 12

    Looking for any help at all, plan on heading up there Sunday for the first time. Will fish primarly for bass. Is there a better lake to fish,ie Rush/East Rush, better access, things to watch out for. Thanks in advance, PM if….

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    The water is cooling down pretty good with all this drearey weather and rain. The fishing should be picking up soon. The water was awfully hot 80+ for a long time. It has been clearing up also, It was like pea soup. There is plenty of goo left floating but at least I could see the bottom last weekend for the first time since May!

    I think you’ll find proponents of both lakes. They are kind of different East seems shallower and more weedy. West has several islands and has some nice sharp breaks.

    Most of the hazards are marked with buoys. It’s important to stay away from points while speeding. The lake has dropped around 12″-14″ since we put the docks in this spring. It has been on the fringe of getting a lot of rain as of last weekend.

    I hear the bass guy’s are doing well on worms shallow like <5′!!! The old timers have been doing great on sunnies shallow also. Typically the fish seem to really relate to the weeds like in them and not on the edge! Plenty of pike on both sides to keep the bas fisherman busy I haven’t been out for a couple weeks fishing so just word of mouth from me.

    Good Luck,


    Posts: 12

    Thanks for all the info!

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