Chiropractors – Do you love them or hate them.

    Posts: 4374

    Chiropractor isnt a MD so they cant perscribe you pills anyway.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18842

    Chiropractor isnt a MD so they cant perscribe you pills anyway.

    What about dragon pills? jester

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Chiropractor isnt a MD so they cant perscribe you pills anyway.

    Some can.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5561

    I stretch before work, at work, on weekends, on fishing trips, in the stand, while driving, getting fuel, in meetings, etc, etc. I stretch all of the time, it truly does a body good waytogo

    And standing on your head is good for ya too! mrgreen waytogo

    Posts: 2926

    A good Chiropractor (and there are plenty bad ones) are GREAT for some things. For the issues I’ve had (mostly back) I’ve found blending Chiro with PT has been great. Chiro focuses on your alignment of bones and joints, PT focuses on the muscles and ligaments that support those things.

    So when I had terrible lower back issues (degenerating disc and L1/S4 vertebrae slippage), the chiro was able to give me repeated adjustments over the course of a couple of weeks to take the pressure off of the inflamed nerves. But it will never last without strengthening the support for that area, so my Physical Therapist was able to work the specific muscle groups around that area (basically and awesome, targeted, deep-tissue massage for 20 minutes each appt) and then taught me a regiment of easy exercises to do at home.

    My issue is chronic but I haven’t had a flare-up or a major “throw-out” for a couple of years due to those two treatments and how they work together. If you have good physicians (Chiropracters included) you learn enough about self-care to avoid seeing them regularly.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    I’ll echo what has been stated. Chiro can fix the issue short term. Long term you need to address the cause. Usually strength training, stretching, losing weight, quitting smoking, ect.

    Some other things that might help.

    – New shoes with the proper arch.
    – New bed mattress. Spend the big bucks here.
    – For me, it was dumping the big tiller and going to a wheel boat.

    Good Luck!


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    Glad you mentioned that JJ… My Chiropractor turned me onto ECCO shoes… they are spendy but not really… they outlast the $59-$79 shoes by years and my back feels better ! Also, as you stated, get a good mattress.. and I also sold my boat when I moved, so I’m feeling really good… errrr.. wait that part doesn’t make sense. doah

    Posts: 4374

    Chiropractor isnt a MD so they cant perscribe you pills anyway.

    Some can.[/quoteI think those are called D.O.’s

    Posts: 427

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Rodwork wrote:</div>

    Chiropractor isnt a MD so they cant perscribe you pills anyway.

    Some can.[/quoteI think those are called D.O.’s

    DOs are osteopathic doctors, very similar to MDs and definitely not chiropractors.

    Posts: 427

    Not going to go into Chiropractor vs PT, but if you remember one thing from this thread, remember this. NEVER let a chiro adjust your neck. I’ve seen multiple instances in my career where a chiro had adjusted someone’s neck and in doing so, dissected the patient’s carotid artery. This is a life threatening condition and nothing to take a chance on. I have no issues with them cracking backs, but stay away from the neck.

    Posts: 1046

    Decades ago my wife went to a chiropractor who displayed an award in his office that on close inspection was given by his family. He wanted to treat her as long as the insurance would pay. But damned if he didn’t cure her pain.

    Posts: 24686

    Decades ago my wife went to a chiropractor who displayed an award in his office that on close inspection was given by his family.

    That’s pretty funny.

    Posts: 2926

    NEVER let a chiro adjust your neck. I’ve seen multiple instances in my career where a chiro had adjusted someone’s neck and in doing so, dissected the patient’s carotid artery. This is a life threatening condition and nothing to take a chance on. I have no issues with them cracking backs, but stay away from the neck.

    Really? This is like my favorite thing mine does!

    They’re not as regulated as Doctors, and like Seinfeld said, Everyone says “My doctor is the best” – but someone is graduating at the bottom of these classes!

    Mine hasn’t killed me yet, I’ll take my chances.

    Posts: 5307

    I’ll reiterate good shoes. Floor guy for 20yrs here, custom orthotics helps quite a bit for the everyday work shoes.

    Chiros, PT, docs, dragon pills, etc can’t fix a sedentary lifestyle. Take care of ur body it’s designed from many years of evolution to take care of you.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    I googled it and its about 1 in 20,000 that the carotid gets dissected… and they cannot rule out the person had vein issues prior. Never heard that either and love a good neck adjustment !

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12618

    Well I have a Chiropractor appointment tomorrow at 9:45. Have several buddies here In Town who say this guy is Great. I hope after tomorrow or possibly after a few treatments to say I’m in the group who love chiropractors.

    Posts: 435

    Sometimes it is magic. Lower back stuff likes to go back into the wrong place. I wouldn’t be shy about a few visits and a couple of dates with an icepack every day. I’ve been there with the numb leg and the whole bit. It doesn’t go away over night.

    Posts: 1719

    I not only tweaked, my entire back cascaded down as I walked down the stairs a number of years ago and I pretty much was on the floor for 2 weeks and could barely move without pain. Went to doctor, relaxants and pain meds did nothing, went to PT, similar results, finally ended up at a Chiropractors office a few months later ( found out I have one leg shorter than the other, and a foot condition that leads to strain being pushed up to my back up from my feet) … To that end, Chiropractors keep me in the game and have for some time. Doctors and PT not so much. Everybody’s story is different. I would rather pay a good Chiropractor who I go like clockwork, versus taking pills left and right.


    I have gone to Chiros for 40 years. They have saved me from back and carpel tunnel surgery. Wrists over 30 years ago Dr. wanted to cut on them. Have seen friends walk in for back surgery, been far worse after. That said there are lots of methods. They can make a lot of money with the MMA, off the top rope, snap your neck adjustments. In and out assembly line process. One I went to, had a fluffer get you on the table and run a massager on your back. Chiro was in and out in 5 minutes, 10 adjustments an hour add up pretty good. My Chiro schedules 2 an hour. She checks and adjusts from my sinuses to my toes. In my case. My wrists, back and surgically repaired knee to name a few, benefit greatly. Good to identify skeletal, from soft tissue problems. P.T. helped me greatly with a partial rotator tear. They showed me how to strengthen the area around it to support it. Have warded off that surgery for almost 10 years. Have also used acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Have become a firm believer in those as well.

    Posts: 3917

    A good chiropractor is priceless, I would rather get an adjustment than be prescribed a bunch of pills that only cover up the pain temporarily or make you groggy all dang day.
    I see one on a regular basis and I wont lie to you, sometimes depending on how out of whack I am I leave in more pain than when I went in, that is due to being put back in place and the muscles, nerves, tendons, whatever are finally able to relax and be where they are supposed to be, mind you, that pain is very temporary.

    A while back I had trouble holding adjustments, my back would go right back out of place within hours of being adjusted, found out I had an allergy to the toothpaste I was using and I was unaware of it.
    Started using another brand of toothpaste with different ingredients and havent had any problems since.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Here’s my story with chiropractors.

    I’ve been going to the same office on occasion for almost 20 years. They were a father and daughter combo. My very first trip I was in desperate need of relief. I don’t remember what the issue was at the time but I remember feeling better in about 3-4 days. It seemed to work. Since then, I would go there whenever I had discomfort in my neck or back and it would almost always be better in 3-4 days. Occasionally I wouldn’t go because of my schedule and it seemed to take a little longer for my pain to subside. Maybe more along the lines of 5-7 days. I sort of determined that this chiropractor was good at shortening the recovery time.

    About 3 years ago this office had hired a couple more chiropractors to work out of their office and when I couldn’t get a quick appointment with the daughter, she said this other guy was really good so I made an appointment with him. I had a nagging neck pain that was going on for 3 months straight. There was never a day off and I never went in because I thought it would get better and didn’t want to make time in my busy schedule.

    Until this visit, I was a little skeptical whether the chiropractors were doing anything that was really beneficial and things would resolve themselves on their own.

    This new guy was extremely rough. I felt like I was deeply bruised after this visit. This was one of the few times I didn’t feel better after I left the office. Low and behold the neck pain that was nagging me every day for 3 months straight was gone in 3 days and hasn’t been back. That was a little over a year ago.

    I went back to this guy only once since then for other back issues and would feel like I got beat up in a fight but always resolved the pain I was having.

    I guess the moral is that good ones are probably rare and can work wonders if they know what they are doing.

    Unfortunately this guy moved out of his office and back into his own about 40 minutes away. I will likely go to see him again if I need it.

    Posts: 6687

    Used to never go. Probably laughed at the idea. Finally went. Love em!

    I used to crack my neck several times an hour, back too. My back was so used to being out of place it took some time to get it used to being in place. Haven’t cracked my neck or back in years now. Daily headaches gone!!!

    I started using a new one recently due to location. She’s going to get a high five today when I visit!!
    5 weeks ago I had sciatic nerve pain down my leg after a 54 mile canoe paddle in two days. Just over dunnit it kinda deal. I’ve now gone two weeks with that pain gone! That stinken nerve is no fun when it is angry!

    I didn’t think she could work me over good enough being I’m a big dude… proved me wrong twice now.

    My favorite chiropractor is in Prescott.

    That guy could put me back into place no matter what I did. He’s an honest dude… said on the first visit that he can fix me everyday or I can start doing the exercises to strengthen core. Kinda like, hey dummy – I’m here to make you better but if your not into that I’ll take your money… the first one I went to (one prior to prescott) never one mentioned exercise to better my back. Just recommended more appts.

    I don’t like dainty chiropractors.

    They all have slightly different methods. You’ll have to experiment to see what your body likes best.

    waytogo waytogo for chiropractors

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6746

    To add to FBRM’s point on the different types of Chiropractors. The one I see uses a tool to adjust you not his knees or with force. I prefer this method you do not walk away feeling beat up.

    Posts: 6687

    This new guy was extremely rough. I felt like I was deeply bruised after this visit. This was one of the few times I didn’t feel better after I left the office. Low and behold the neck pain that was nagging me every day for 3 months straight was gone in 3 days and hasn’t been back. That was a little over a year ago.

    Sounds about right.

    The worse you feel going in, the longer it takes to pull out. 3 days to good is about right when down right aweful.

    I only go to places that can get me in the day I call for the most part. No time to put off hunting or fishing because my back ain’t up to it. rotflol

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    To add to FBRM’s point on the different types of Chiropractors. The one I see uses a tool to adjust you not his knees or with force. I prefer this method you do not walk away feeling beat up.

    The Activator !!! Amazing what they can do with that little gadget. Sometimes that is all he does and it targets the exact muscles and fascia that need the adjustment.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1434

    If they work for you by all means keep using them. A story similar to what others have mentioned. Wife at the age of 27 was having sinus issues and someone mentioned a chiro. Went for about 2 months with some relief but not enough to quit going. One day she went in and her normal chiro was not there but another one said he was told about my wife’s problem and he was going to do the session. He grabbed her neck and before she could say anything snapped it which immediately led to neck pain and the appointment came to a stop. Doctors determined there was damage caused to her spine. After many doctors appointments lost work over a 2 year span we tried to get them to cover the loss to our family. After consulting a lawyer they said in WI chiro are not a MD so can not be sued for malpractice. At this time he was thinking it would cost 50-100k to bring the case to court and said it would probably be a 50% chance of winning the case. We never proceeded with the case it took about 8 years for the pain to finally disappear. She will never go again we have learned stretching is the key to staying away from what I now call the witch doctor.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12618

    I thought I would give a quick update here. I ended up scheduling an appointment with a local guy here in Saint Cloud for this morning. My fishing buddy has been to him several times over the years and said he has always been Great. Yesterday Evening and this morning I was feeling much better, but still in pain by simply using ice and heat treatments on it. I thought about canceling my appointment but decided to keep it and see him anyway. After talking with me for about 10 Minutes he did several manual test and determined that it most likely was not a disk issue, but most likely a nerve related issue. He preformed several adjustments on me. He then hooked me up to a electrical stimulation machine for about 15 Minutes. Its hard to tell since I was already feeling much better if his treatment helped a lot or not. I will say I do think I’m feeling even better now that when I went into his office. He directed me to a place on their web site where he has some stretching exercises to help with the issue. He said to give it a few days to saee how I was feeling. He said if not feeling good by early next week to give his office a call and he would get me back in again for another session. So I’m not certain I’m in the love them Group, but I’m surly not in the Hate them group either. I’m sure doing some stretching each day along with getting myself into better shape would help not only the back issues, but a few other issues as well. Now if I can only get my lazy fat ass to commit to it.

    Posts: 5307

    FYI anyone can buy those electrical stimulation units, TENS. My chiro had them for sale, $40 or something, awesome lil handheld that comes in great at times. Buy extra sticky pads for them, they last awhile tho.

    Also FYI, they do not offer any other satisfaction for oh idk let’s say the GF and urself feeling a bit adventurous about it….

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    Couple more things that may help.

    These massage hooks work wonders getting the kinks out of your neck/shoulders/back,

    Thought of this one last night. Make sure you are not getting dehydrated. Drink lots of water. During my 20’s and 30’s bad back years I basically never drank any water. If I was thirsty, it was pop or beer. These days it’s a steady dose of water all day long.


    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 1986

    The first Chiro I went to was back in the 90s in Bloomington MN for a nagging shoulder issue. He took x-rays and told me he could help and fixed me right up after 2 or 3 visits. The next one I went to was after a lower back injury at my job to a place the company sent me in the North metro. They also did x-rays and said they could fix it. It took a little longer than the first place, but I was pain-free by the end of the treatment.
    The third chiropractor I went to is my current Doc. First, visit no x-ray. Told him where the pain was. He examined my lower back by feel. Told me where the problem was. I think it took one or two adjustments, and I was better. Didn’t need to see him for about a year. Same deal as before, a couple of adjustments, and I was good to go. I think for a couple of years. My lower back started bothering me again as well as my upper back, which had been bothering me when I’d go fishing off and on for years and getting worse by the year. And it dawned on me to have him see what he could do. That upper back was messed up, and I can’t do muscle stim due to having an ICD. The heating pad wasn’t doing the job allowing him to make the adjustment. The muscles were just too tight. So I went to a massage therapist a couple of times before an adjustment, and we got it straightened out as much as possible. It still locks up from time to time, especially in the Spring when my back isn’t used to all the casting. Back in 2012, my lower back was in significant pain, and adjustments weren’t working. So I went to my Dr., who gave me pills, and I went off to PT. The pain only got worse. I ended up going to a Pain Clinic in St. Cloud. They did a steroid injection, and that worked for me. They didn’t need to do the slightly more invasive procedure that they thought they were going to have to do, called a percutaneous decompression. Thankfully I have never had anywhere close to that amount of pain since. It seems like, over the past five years, I have been in and out there a few times a year. I do regular stretching on my upper back now, and that seems to make a difference. I have discovered that the hardness of the surface that I sit on can mess up my lower back really quickly if I sit too long on one that starts giving me issues.

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