
  • slipbob_nick
    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Wife decided to get some chickens. have 4 of them for the eggs hopefully. was curious how many people on here have chickens? so far been surprised how close they stay to the coop they don’t wander far.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    My brother-in-law/sister-in-law have them. The whole family seems to like them. Our kids get a kick out of them, and we frequently end up with fresh eggs. )

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17389

    New neighbors across the street have 4 black labs, 3 goats, some chickens and a rooster that thinks it time to get up at 5am.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    A lot of cities allow hens, but no roosters.

    We hear a rooster around here once in a while. But I think it may be feral.

    Posts: 727

    I got turkeys..
    -eggs taste the same as chicken but are larger
    -they dont lay a million eggs ( im not trying to start a business)
    -the meat taste better
    – quite a bit more meat for roughly the same amount of feed cost
    – more interesting to watch, more personality, would rather hear a turkey gobble than a rooster crowing his head off.
    – babies sell for about double what a chick sells for.
    -adults (7mo.) sell anywhere from $40-$100 each depending on breed.

    Posts: 384

    I have some chickens and wild ducks they are alot of fun I just had some wood ducks and some black ducks hatch and they sell for anywhere from 100 to 300 a bird

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Haven’t heard any rooster noises yet. worse case any turn out to be roosters we’ll have some fresh chicken for supper. already told the neighbors the birds will only be around if their hens. the feral rooster running around cracked me up.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Oviedo, where Mudhole is located, has a bunch of feral chickens running around. Same for the keys. You’d think the feral cats would take care of them or the hawks.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    I have some chickens and wild ducks they are alot of fun I just had some wood ducks and some black ducks hatch and they sell for anywhere from 100 to 300 a bird

    It’s legal to posses and sell wild Ducks? Duck eggs are great to eat, larger than chicken eggs and the yoke seems to be darker and more flavorful.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    For Sale. Free range ducks.

    Muscovy Ducks: $24.99 each
    Long Legged Goose: $199 Each

    Price does not include shipping, handling and tax

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    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    We got 7 laying hens about 2 months ago. So I’m still pretty new to chickens and learning about them. But so far so good! We usually get 6 eggs a day, some days are 5, some days are 7. I eat 3 eggs every morning, my daughter (1 year old) eats 1 egg about every other day, and my wife maybe has a few a week. So we are slowly accumulating a few extra eggs now.

    They are much easier to take care of than I thought they would be. Give them all the leftover table scraps, which the mess that a 1 year old makes with food, means the chickens eat well…

    I let them out in the evening for about the last hour of sunlight, that way they put themselves back into the coop at sunset and I don’t have to chase them. I have a lab that is a tremendous pheasant dog, and unfortunately a chicken looks too much like a pheasant to him- so chickens don’t get out too much because I’d rather have the dog out in the yard with me.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I have a lab that is a tremendous pheasant dog, and unfortunately a chicken looks too much like a pheasant to him- so chickens don’t get out too much because I’d rather have the dog out in the yard with me.

    LOL, definitely a consideration. )

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12256

    This whole suburban chicken thing…

    My wife sent me to Woodbury to pick up her registration kit for a 10k race, a friend of hers had the forms and stuff. I stopped by their house in a nice Woodbury development about 8:30.

    I was walking up to the front door and this lone chicken comes strolling through the yard. She passes between me and the house. It was one of those strange French chickens that looks like they are wearing a hat.

    The lone chicken of Woodbury disappeared into the next yard. It was all very, very weird. I didn’t mention it to the homeowners. It was just too weird and at the time I had a strange feeling that it might not have really happened.


    Posts: 384

    Icenutz, I don’t sell the birds what I meant was if you were to buy from one of the larger game farms out there I just have a permit to keep them so I’m not sure if it is ok to sell or not

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5178

    Could a person raise ducklings to use for muskie bait? I’ve seen muskies wreak havoc with ducklings on nokomis.

    I’m half kidding with this post.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    A friend of mine has about 20 layers (out of town) they can be quite funny and social….

    Posts: 384

    Could a person raise ducklings to use for muskie bait? I’ve seen muskies wreak havoc with ducklings on nokomis.

    I’m half kidding with this post.

    I hear they make a great bass bait too!

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5178

    What’s the best way to rig a duckling? Treble hook though a wing? Do they make a quick strike duckling rig?

    Again, half kidding.

    Posts: 384

    I’d say treble through the bill then use a rubber band to have another on the back

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    What’s the best way to rig a duckling? Treble hook though a wing? Do they make a quick strike duckling rig?

    Again, half kidding.

    Funny you say that, they make duck imitation lures for Musky fishing…I can only imagine the real deal would work like a charm if legal. I’m not a doctor or scientist, nor did I stay at a motel 8 last night.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5178

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Matt Moen wrote:</div>
    What’s the best way to rig a duckling? Treble hook though a wing? Do they make a quick strike duckling rig?

    Again, half kidding.

    Funny you say that, they make duck imitation lures for Musky fishing…I can only imagine the real deal would work like a charm if legal. I’m not a doctor or scientist, nor did I stay at a motel 8 last night.

    After seeing a muskie blow up a duckling last summer on Nokomis it got me thinking……

    Posts: 384

    Savage gear suicide duck

    Posts: 602

    I have 100…err 99 right now. Three weeks to go until I get my first fresh chicken dinner of the year!

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    Posts: 7348

    After seeing a muskie blow up a duckling last summer on Nokomis it got me thinking……

    Box of kittens and ear plugs. The meowing will haunt your dreams…..

    Let’s hand it to the female idoers though, tables turned and not a single immature cock joke. Now get on a good beaver thread, oh the carnage jester

    Bill Boyd
    Warroad, MN
    Posts: 132

    Have had chickens for over 30 years now. Great for kids to learn some responsibility of caring for an animal and having chores to do.

    We’ve messed with many varieties and pretty much settled on Rhode Island Reds as the best overall bird. Great egg layers, hardy enough for northern MN winters and not a bad meat bird when it comes time to stew the old hens. Currently have about 20 hens and 2 roosters.

    Been a few years since we had meat birds. Every time I think about raising some meat birds I sit down till the thought goes away.

    Cochans can be a fun bird for kids. They also make great brooder hens. I think they will sit on a rock until it hatches. I’ve used them to brood my Rhode Island Reds as opposed to using an incubator.

    Posts: 2596

    I had, key word “had” a beautiful small flock of domestic ducks, runners, call, and a khaki Campbell. I religiously kept them in a fenced enclosure every night,, but still woke up to every one of them murdered in one night. The only thing capable and small enough to get in would be a weasel, and it fits their modus operandi. I’m taking a break from them for a while…I need to line the enclosure with hardware cloth.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    We went to a ranch and the chickens were in a pen. The coup in the pen was a steel or aluminum pen with wheels. They said they move it in the pen periodically because predators don’t like environmental changes and keeps them from preying on them. The guy who ran the place was a manager of a big zoo, so he must know what he is doing.

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