but we’re you driving down the road and it flipped you around and then set you back perfect and just drove away? 
Not exactly. I was driving down the road and I felt the wind getting wild, my empty snowmobile trailer started to not be on the ground. Watched the trailer get ripped off my truck and a safety chain held it long enough for it to swing in and destroy my box. Then the trailer went on about a 300 yard cart wheel. Truck was pushed down the embankment and after it settled down I drove home with no trailer, not much of a box, no back windows and a completely smashed windshield. Was a experience I’ll never forget. Had tree branches inside my cab when I got home. And had to use my other truck to go to the farmers place and have him drag my trailer out of his field for me. Or what was left of it. 16.5 in body work was done on it.