I’ve been up there twice this summer for pleasure boating but do take note of what people are doing fishing wise.
Most appear to be panfishing with bobber rigs. Chetek runs the fish-o-rama each year and for a small fee, you can enter to win prizes should you catch a tagged fish. Top prize is $500 and I believe I read there are half dozen or more $500 fish in the system. Most prizes are $25.
There do seem to be a good number of bass fisherman and I’ve heard the northerns are good to catch. Walleyes, according to reports, are few and far between.
If I were headed there for a week, I’d try to get some tips for the bass or northern, or just resign myself to soaking up the sun while watching a bobber for the panfish.
As for structure, the chain has just about everything. Not overly deep. Earlier in the year, the panfisherman appeared to be hanging off the channel breaks running through the different lakes (mainly Prairie). There are a number of sunken islands and sandbars throughout the chain, there is flooded timber and of course weedy bays.
The chain is very beautiful IMO, but the water this year is especially green. After a day of swimming and tubing, we had to wash everything as we had a layer of green stuff all over.
If the fishing is so-so, check out one of the two sandbars on prairie for a day of lounging on the water. Prairie has two sandbars close to islands where you can pull up your boat, anchor, and be in 18″ – 3′ of water. They are not hard to find. There are some great places to pull into for lunch or
from your boat. The most popular is Gilligan’s in the channel from Chetek to Pokegama. The restaurant across from it is a very good place to eat as well.