I was down on on of my favorite spots just shore fishing and having fun with the family. Catching sum of the biggest smallmouth of my life. One after another 4-5 pound smallmouth were being caught and realesed. An oder gentleman showed interest in what we were doing to catch these fish a few minutes later he came down with his equipment and also started pounding these huge brownies. He then put every one on a stringer. Even though he wasnt doing anything illegal I aproached him and gave him a speach on how old those fish are and y he should release them. For the next 3 days he was there everyday leaving with 5 smallmouth over 4 pounds…. what do you do in that situation. Im a tournament fisherman. I hear all the crap about how the tounaments are ruining the lakes. After seeing that I now see the true reason quallity basses are few and far between. I say slot limit!!!!! Keep 5 over 14 but no more than 2 of thos 5 can be over 16 after 5 years you will really start seeing the benefits. Whats your opinion

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