Chester Woods Crappies

  • Dan
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4086

    Good morning IDO-Rochester community. I’m looking for some help to make the wife happy. Typically when we go out fishing I either catch larger fish or bigger numbers and that doesn’t sit well with her. She likes fishing and wants to land good ones too so she doesn’t like being out-done.

    We’re thinking we’re going to take a canoe out on Chester Woods sometime over the holiday weekend and as we’re finalizing this plan last night she says “I really want to catch some crappies there.” I’ve gotten into bluegill schools in both open water and through the ice but I’ve only caught scattered random crappies at Chester. Does anyone have any advice about location, presentation, depth, anything for crappies there?

    Thanks for reading, hope everyone’s having a great summer.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    San….I sent you a pm.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Tough to beat a crappie minnow under a float. Maybe a fathead and you can get a bonus bass. There are many places to try out there but I would find the edge of a weedline or near some sunken trees. Plenty of both there. Been out a few times out there this year and have yet to catch one but haven’t really targeted them either. The size hasn’t been the greatest over the years so I typically bass fish. I think you would be lucky to get a 12 out of there but that’s just my observation. Good luck.

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