Checking Depth Through The Ice

  • MX1825
    Posts: 3319

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>grpubl7 wrote:</div>
    So, you admit to never have taken chemistry in high school?

    Aside from the fact that I have a degree in chemistry and I literally make my living as a chemist…

    But go ahead and keep thinking you know everything.


    rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 1982

    I was surprised to discover I had posted in this thread. Then I looked at the date. No wonder why I didn’t remember.

    Posts: 119

    Augers have gotten better. Lighter, faster, portable etc.

    Navionics is awesome but it may be off in lakes that fluctuate water levels like reservoirs. My navionics is offset like 20 foot for Lake Sakakawea.

    Not sure who makes it but there is a tiny little 2 inch auger with a measure on it specifically for quickly scouting ice. I think they are used by resorts to make ice roads.

    Central WI
    Posts: 321

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>grpubl7 wrote:</div>
    So, you admit to never have taken chemistry in high school?

    Aside from the fact that I have a degree in chemistry and I literally make my living as a chemist…

    But go ahead and keep thinking you know everything.

    Hope you didn’t pay much for that degree, LOL.

    ALL blends of alcohol (there are many) are not as dense as water and will therefore float in water. All blends of alcohol have a highly volatile atom and will therefore evaporate far quicker than water.

    In chemistry, volatility is a material quality which describes how readily a substance vaporizes.

    Here endith the lesson…..

    Posts: 2596

    I just pee on the ice and place my transducer down. It’s also easier to see the spots that you sounded.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m from a time when we singed our ducks (chickens and everything else for that matter) with denatured alcohol in a pickling jar cover. You know, back when we plucked the whole bird and didn’t just pull out the breast?

    Well, anyway once lit the alcohol lasted a good while before it was consumed. At least 15 minutes. I don’t ever remember it evaporating faster then when it was burning. I spose it would evaporate on ice before the spring thaw, but really, don’t we put enough crap on our ice and in our waters now?

    PS I don’t play a chemist on the internet or tv but I did sleep in a boat last night.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Here endith the lesson…

    Jeezus, I cannot believe I am even responding to this, but denatured alcohol is mainly ethanol with some other additives which make it toxic, so it cannot be consumed (and therefore, is not taxed as booze).

    While you are correct that ethanol is, indeed, less dense than water, it is also miscible in water (as are methanol and isopropanol, both common alcohols), meaning that ethanol and water can be mixed in any proportion. So no, it will not float on top of the water. If it did, you would have to shake up the liquor bottles in your cabinet as they are roughly 40:60 ethanol:water.

    Thank you for your lesson, though, Professor!

    Posts: 2224

    alcohol can actually have an affinity for water … aka 100% isopropyl alcohol (HEAT) used to restore water tainted gasoline to engine running condition.

    water and alcohol miscibility trumps and density difference preventing any chance of separation.

    denaturants can often be some nasty solvents

    drill the hole

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I just pee on the ice and place my transducer down. It’s also easier to see the spots that you sounded.

    You need to be careful Castle Rock! I was where I thought I would be out of sight on the ice to take an urgent leak. Turns out a CO had been watching me with his binoculars.

    Got my first ticket ever.

    That wasn’t so bad but when I found out the fine was $900.00, I was shocked!! shock

    Guess they charge $100. an inch. toast

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12918

    doah doah whistling rotflol i about spit my coffee all over my screen on that on BK!!!!!!!!!

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    I thought I heard it was $200.00 an inch. But it’s your story BK. jester

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    “ALL blends of alcohol (there are many) are not as dense as water and will therefore float in water. All blends of alcohol have a highly volatile atom and will therefore evaporate far quicker than water.

    In chemistry, volatility is a material quality which describes how readily a substance vaporizes.

    Here endith the lesson…..”

    Let me guess….yoora recent public school grad? …musta missed the lecture about ethanol being hydroscopic, right?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Well he was 10 feet away.

    1. lenny.jpg

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>grpubl7 wrote:</div>
    evaporates pretty fast

    Not at icefishing temperatures, it doesn’t.

    So that’s why people get so wasted ice drinking! jester
    Good to know.

    Posts: 12731

    Here is an idea. Let me know where you are fishing. Instead of dumping alcohol on the ice you pour me a shot I’ll make it evaporate then drill a hole for ya and check the depth.
    Or I’ll look at my map and tell ya a pretty damn good guess. toast

    Posts: 9189

    Here is an idea. Let me know where you are fishing. Instead of dumping alcohol on the ice you pour me a shot I’ll make it evaporate then drill a hole for ha and check the depth.
    Or I’ll look at my map and tell ya a pretty damn good guess.

    I’ll be in the Bdub in a couple weeks… see ya there.

    That’s the only place I’ve ever done the check depth through the ice thing and guess what… water. straight up liquid H20, right out of the lake. It works great to check depth! This whole thread is borderline insanity.

    Posts: 12731

    It might be my new favorite thread.
    Mostly because the only misinformation given was BK’s. whistling

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You know Rip, I do have a feeling left. Try not to hurt it! smirk

    Posts: 12731

    They make meds for that BK. May help keep your fine down next time too. doah

    Central WI
    Posts: 321

    It’s “Hygroscopic” son…..

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