Checkin' In

  • steve-fellegy
    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Okay…so I have been asked “what’s goin’ on? long enough. LOL

    I have been on the Leech Lake water only 3 times in the past 6 weeks. Serious health issues on the home front have been a priority ( since late last January) and are ongoing via treatments -at least through this coming November. ( let’s just say we know all the “Infusion Center” nurses by their first name and then some…)

    So that said….Not being out on a consistent basis, I felt I have had nothing to report that can impact anyone’s fishing plans etc.

    But here is what my meager on the water time has got me –2-3 weeks apart–including today. Fishing “memories”, all three runs have been with lead core/small Shadraps. First time out in early July–no walleyes in the boat for 3 hrs. and then 6 the last hour(mid day bailed out of a skunk–everyone happy) 2nd time out–no walleyes in the boat the first 3 hrs.–8 the last 1.5 hrs. ( bailed out of a skunk again! everyone happy) Today–no walleyes the first 4 hrs.–11 hit the Shadraps the last hour–everyone happy. Just how the heck can I keep choosing the wrong places to start with and then mid-day finally get to the “right” place/area? LOL CONSISTENTLY inconsistent decisions!

    So–I hear it has been SLOOOOW. I dunno–I ain’t been out enough to know I guess. “They” say my numbers are better than most–by far? THAT is slooooow! AIS gal today almost had a heart attack when she looked in the live well? LOL

    Anyway–that is all I know. Maybe be back in few days–maybe not. I’m hopin’!

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Good to hear from you Steve. Seems like life sometimes can get in the way of life! I’ll email you about next weekend.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    Good to hear from you and hope you are feeling better soon!

    Posts: 2721

    Hope and pray all is as well as can be. Amazing how health issues can side track life.

    Posts: 3944

    Steve,I know for fact if I had to count on someone catching supper for me,or helping me catch my own,it would be you regardless of how tough the bite is.

    prayers are being lifted for you and the Mrs. daily,they wont stop until she is well again.
    hope to see you again in late sept. or early oct.


    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Been out a couple times in the past week ( last Thursday and Saturday on the southern half of the lake). In the BIG waves….

    3ft. of water/bobbers and leeches anchored–LOTS of BIG walleyes and very few keepers–6 keepers out of 28 ( 4 over 26″)on Thursday in 4 hrs. and 1 keeper out of 17 ( 2 over 26″)on Saturday in 3.5 hrs.–the rest “too big”. (so shallow the engine hits bottom while anchored if not trimmed up)


    Looks like it is shaping up to be another good weekend steve. Look forward to seeing you next weekend.

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