“Hmmm, that wheel looks like it’s wobbling a bit”
That’s what I said as I was driving home from pool 2 on saturday with my 15.5 foot smoker craft on it’s POS trailer.
So, it looks like I have a wobbly wheel on the trailer. I jack it up and oh boy is there a problem. The wheel itself has probably 2-3 inches of play side to side. Not good. I do a bit of research and figures the bearings are probably in pretty bad shape. Better get my hands dirty and check it out.
I’m about as mechanically inclined as a chocolate covered strawberry, but I manage to get the cotter pin/castle nut off and pull the hub off the spindle.
I pull out the outer bearing and inspect it.
Hmmm, this doesn’t look very good, I’m going to go ahead and wager a guess that this will NOT translate to a smooth ride. Let’s take a look at the inside bearing….
Oh. Theres’s some over there.
And some more over there.
Damn. That’s not good. Oh, for good measure lets make sure part of the bearing is stuck on the spindle.
So ends your reminder to check your trailer bearings before your boat is stuck in your garage while the bite on pool 2 heats up :(.
Feel free reply with advice for me for the future. I’ll get things started:
“You’re an idiot”
“Wow, you are an oblivious nincompoop”
“Yeah, those things were probably shot 3 years ago”