cheap hotel in or near Intl Falls?

  • dbrode
    Mingo, IA
    Posts: 152

    Looking for a room in or near International Falls for Friday night on our way up to Canada. Just a place for my bro-lo and I to crash, nothing fancy. Called the Knights Inn in Intl Falls like 6 times and they don’t answer the phone. Most others are over 100/night. Help?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17389

    Falls Motel
    Ramble Inn
    Days Inn

    Don’t be to fussy you will end up sleeping in your car. Friday night is about the only night all the motels fill.

    Posts: 154

    Why not stay in Fort Frances? That way you don’t have to deal with traffic at the border. Try La Place Rendez-Vous. The have a nice bar area and breakfast in the morning before you head out to your final destination.

    Posts: 231

    Have not been there in awhile, but there was a motel in the former South Falls called the TeePee motel. Pretty clean and decent rates. Right on Hwy 53 so could be a bit noisy.

    John Peterson
    Woodbury, Minnesota
    Posts: 349

    Falls Motel
    Phone: 218-283-8434

    Good Rooms, Good People That Fish As Well!

    Posts: 9227

    Northern Lights Motel. I stayed there a weekend in May this spring. It was by far the cheapest I could find in town and a good enough place for a couple guys looking for a couple beds and a roof.

    They let us park the boat/truck still hooked up right in front of our door.

    Mingo, IA
    Posts: 152

    Got a room at Falls motel! Thanks everyone

    Walker, Mn.
    Posts: 611

    Got a room at Falls motel! Thanks everyone

    Falls Motel well kept the light on for ya.

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    @dbrode Did you find something? We did, a 2002 Yukon Xl was our home last Friday night sleeping

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