Chart Select

  • Billy Herron
    Posts: 13

    Guys do we know if follow the contour will work on individual maps purchased on chart select ? Running a Helix 7 MSI GPS G3N I know they will work on Lake Master Charts.

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1401

    Yes, follow the contour will work on HD maps purchased on Chart Select. The maps bought through Chart Select are exactly the same as other Lake Master maps but Chart Select allows you to purchase only individual lake maps if you prefer which in some cases can save you some money.

    Billy Herron
    Posts: 13

    Thanks, I said I was not going to spend another nickle until I mastered these Helix 7s but Im not sure I will ever master them. Jason Halfen had me thinking I could but updates seems to change a few things as I go along. Do we ever master them ? the menu is a lot to learn. Understanding whats on the screen is a whole lot more to learn but sure is fun. One year ten months and still at it. We fish year round study weekly and fish two weekends a month. My TV time is u tube I dont have time for entertainment TV OK I guess fishing school is entertainment.

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