So I forgot to turn my graph off on my sled yesterday and it ran down my battery. I did not bring a full sized charger on this trip. I do have a vexel r style lead sell battery charger. Will that charge my snowmobile battery if I leave it on overnight?
Probably. It will work as long as the Vexilar charger doesn’t have that annoying feature that cuts off the charging if it detects the battery is below a certain voltage because it interprets that as the battery being damaged and therefore it cuts off the charge.
And if I’m thinking of the type of charger you actually have, it will be slow. Most of those small little wall-adapter plug chargers put out less than 1 amp of actual charging power, which is actually less by the time it gets to the battery, so even a dead snowmobile battery will take a long time to charge fully and of course a car battery would take days.
Once you get the machine running, better go for a decent ride before you shut it off and even then I wouldn’t be running anything else off the battery until you can be sure it’s fully charged.