Art Green wrote:
Stay away. Infrared is for searing meat quickly. Cooking with it results in dry food.
That’s not been my experience. Just don’t overcook your food, no matter what method you use. I’ve had mine for 5 or 6 years and I really like it. Still going strong, stays outdoors all year long and hasn’t fallen apart yet.
Infrared is dry heat, no matter how you cook your food, it will always be drier than other cooking methods. I did a lot of research, and tried out a couple that friends had, side by side with standard gas grills at get togethers after hearing how good infrared was, and quickly the infrareds disappeared and the owners went back to regular gas grills… I have had the same gas grill for the past 15 years, it sits outside and gets used year round along with the charcoal one sitting next to it.