One question really needs to be asked: How when Starry Stonewort was first found in Lake Koronis did it get there?
Facts & Assuptions:
1) The nearest lake known to be infested was over 400 miles away. Little Muskego Lake near Milwaukee.
2) The next closest with a number of infested lakes was in Michigan.
3) Currently all infestations in Wisconsin are in the Eastern 1/4.
4) When 1st discovered it had already covered an area of over 250 Acres. Thus, it had been in there for a few years.
5) How msny wstercraft possibly had transported it to others lakes? We can easily conservatively assume 2 years @ 20 weeks x 10 per day = 400 accessed watercraft, assume 50% go to other lakes is 200 assume 30% go to different lakes, thus 60 lakes could easily be infested or way more.
6) The MnDNR say it is difficult to ID due to native look-a-likes.
7) How many lakes in the 400 miles from Little Muskego to Lake Koronis are infested and not identified?
8) Since it was found in Koronis in 2015 they have identified it in 7 other Minnesota Lakes.
9) How many lakes are yet to be identified as infested and now spreading it to other lakes?
I would bet Minnesota has 50 or more other infested lakes. Track the largest Recreational Lakes, Gull, Whitefish, Minnetonka, Ottertail, Clearwater, Minnewaska, Battle Lake, Mille Lacs, and msny more.
The more you know the more you shake your head and wonder why these people want to try anything when we are well behind and even on 2 lakes with full-time inspectors & gated accesses they became infested with Zebra Mussels. Both were treated and the following year new Zebra Mussels were found.
Biggest reason to put up these station is to keep ALL Outsiders off these lakes! In essence “Privitizing the lakes”.
Look at whom has been behind much of this, the President of the Christmas Lake Association Joe Schneider and the Minnesota Lakes & Rivers, Jeff Forestor.
They may slow the spread but it will never be stopped.
Now, please call the Commissioner of the MnDNR Tom Landwehr and let him know you do not want to waste resources on the Central Inspection plan.