The CuddeLink Sysytem works awesome. While Im not running the CuddeLink Cell program, I have 7 cameras that send photos right to my front door and the farthest one is over 2 miles from my house. They work the same only I dont have to pay for any cell phone plan and I dont have great service where I hunt. While I realize not many people hunt right at their house, the situation could work awesome for your spot by sending the photos to a single location like a gate, fence post, or some other easy to access/no disturbance spot where you hunt.
I check it everyday when I get home from work. 1 card check, I checked 7 cameras. I even check before I head out to the stand to see which way big boy might have been headed.. IE if he was traveling North… I dont want to hunt any of my South stands..ect.ect… I set them in July and I dont even touch them for about 3 months. Change batteries in October/November and they run until end of January.
Has been a game changer for me.. I used to spend so much time managing the cameras and driving 4 wheeler in and checking them weekly. Blowing deer out of the fields at times mid afternoon even.