Cedar Lake west side walk in ice access

  • tim hurley
    Posts: 6009

    Just a little guy pullin’ a little sled onto Cedar. Well ok I’m not that little-do not want to drive threw that channel to get to the west side, see their is a road that might cut accross a chanel and a Rotary Camp in that area. Shoot me a Pm don’t worry about fishing pressure, if you have to walk a bit 90% of ice guys are not interested( saw a guy drive to get his tip ups!)

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Was there a question in your original post? I’m guessing most could decipher it.

    Victoria, mn
    Posts: 820

    There are 27 Cedar Lakes listed on the Minnesota DNR website. Don’t even know if you’re talking about Minnesota anyway since your profile shows no location. whistling

    Posts: 4802

    hes talking about cedar lake by faribault. only fished it once last winter and we used the boat landing. so im not sure if there is access or not on the west side. it doesnt really look like it by google maps

    Posts: 346

    Tim, years ago there was a culvert on the road the public access is on that had a culvert that drained into West Cedar. In the spring folks would line the banks and fish. Maybe you could gain access by following the culvert drainage. My father caught a +7lb largemouth through the ice on West Cedar many years ago. There is also a road that runs between the two lakes coming in from the south side off of highway 12 that might have walkable access.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6009

    Ok and I know that about ‘Cedar’, the one in Rice Co.
    I can see some of the roads get close, but residents find a way to seal it up sometimes. Their is a site that shows public land I’ll look at that. Eventually you could probably drive and the walk might be ok but then you get a foot of snow and its not ok. Not even sure if that basin is any good, I’ll find out this weekend though. Balmy 40s this weekend.
    Thanks for the help so far.

    Posts: 4802

    When I was there last year they were driving on the entire lake and pulling big houses out. We walked however

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6009

    Yup, pretty much thinking about when you cannot drive which seems to be when fishing is best. Sometimes driving on ice is kinda fun,but mostly I hate it.

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